Day 818: 5 Minute Freewrite: Ollie's Find

in Freewriters5 years ago

Ollie's Find

Well, well, well! Look what Ollie found,
A caterpillar walking on the ground.
Rust and black banded, of the woolly bear kind.
This is not a play thing he was hoping to find.

No! Back off Ollie, don't you dare
Nudge, mouth or bat it like it's your toy bear.
I like both of you, which is why I care.

Bristly hairs break off into the skin when touched,
Your nose, mouth and paws will look red and blushed.
You will think you have been stung, by many a bee.
For her sake and yours, leave her be.

The Isabella Tiger Moth, she'll become in the spring,
Her species will survive, with and without a wing.
It is our moral obligation and duty,
To respect and appreciate nature's beauty.

Day 818: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Wednesday-Prompt: well

#dailypetphotography by @dpet and @kona

All photos are my own.

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Aww she found a woolly! I love them!

I love them too. Thanks for stopping by! : )

I love it! ^_^ Very lovely photos too :)) have a great day!

Thanks for your compliment and for stopping by @iamraincrystal! : ) You have a great day too.

I haven't seen one of those for a long time. Cats do love to play with things, don't' they?

They sure do. Thanks for stopping by SG! : )

I forget if a larger brown stripe predicts a shorter or longer winter.

Posted using Partiko Android

They say that the more black there is, the longer the winter. but you do know that is just a myth, right?

Its real i tell ya, no stripe predicts an ice age most likely.

They sure are! Thanks for the fun prompt delivery Bruni! : )

Delightful! Beware the Cat's Paw (or was that the Monkey's Paw) :))

Thanks AG! I think that "Beware of the Cat's Paw" fits perfectly in this case. LOL!
So sorry for the late reply. I had a 4 day migraine form hell.

I am sorry about the headache. I know how that feels. It has been years...but I remember wanting to run anywhere to get away from it, but of course there was no getting away.

Hope yours is gone and stays away, permanently.

Migraines are so painful. I wish I could run away from them too. I usually get a 2 day migraine every 2.5 weeks but I haven't had one in 6 weeks so I guess I got a double whammy this time around. I am happy to hear that you haven't had any in years. My 6 weeks of no migraines was pure bliss! Thanks for your concern, my friend AG!

Howdy Butterfly! That is brilliant writing and ryhming once again, well done!

Thanks again Jonboy for your encouragement. Hugs!

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