Still alive?

in Freewriters3 years ago

Let me ask you for a change how you are doing? How do you cope with the "pandemic" aka plandemic?
It's nearly two years later and we'll all agree we will notgo back to normal! No way we will and it will not get any better for most of us. And most are not even those who are bankrupt, who have blood clots or suffer from other side effect which apparantly death is too!

Indeed death caused by an experimental vaccine is a side effects. No need to worry because it won't happen to you, this is only for those who concerns it and every minister and expert worldwide (vets included) can assure you it is not as bad as it looks like! There is no need to panick. Death is part of life and if you cannot handle it imagine how bad it would be if you would have covid-19.

Unfortunately most of us (98,9%) will never know how it is to have Covid. Covid means you are sick, as sick as a dog. Not because you have cancer, diabetics or your BMI is >40 (>20 is already way too much) already but you caught this virus only although you were 100% healthy!

We care, governments care about our health. That's why they have to control each one of us. Why? Because you are not able to take care of yourself. You all, we all proved that. The lockdowns proved overweight increased, depression, violence, rapes, drunkards everywhere, murders and suicide and this all next to those many who keep testing themselves out of curiousity. You should know curiosity killed the cat and if you are positive you might end up in one of those institutions for your own good. This can be jail, a quarantine camp (it doesn't matter if you are vaxxed or not), a mental institution or they give you jab #7 to be sure you are part of the next burning session.

Never say it can't get worse. This all just started ask Bill Gates he knows all about it and invested years before the pandemic in your future...


Do you ever question anything? Do you trust the government's policy, trust the guy who spreads fake news himself? You still believe the coronavirus will be wiped out after we all are jabbed?
No need to feel adhamed. With you 64% of the population says they believe that, they still believe it's for their own good which means you are not the only one who hopes for the best and keeps hoping this will be over soon.

We are on our way to two years of “pandemic” mania, with no evidence from the government that a pandemic exists. The 'virus' cannot be detected with a PCR test, and the death rates are not much different than in other years.
There is evidence to the contrary; Of all 150 members of the House of Representatives, not one has died. Not all bought or blackmailed lie journalists. And even in the Senate, where you can only take a seat if you are seriously overweight and very elderly with multiple underlying conditions, there were no casualties. What is that pandemic that leaves everyone alive?

Source for just in case you like to put your brains at work or might think I made this all up because I am a story teller...



The way people are acting, you'd think there were bodies in the streets.

2020 was a very good year for me - no one died from cancer, ALS, heart attacks, kidney failure, or anything (not even covid) like in prior years.

It's all BS!!! My new strategy to remain safe is to ignore covid altogether, act as if it does not exist. I'm hoping people will look at me and think "hm, maybe I could live without all this fear too."

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