Sleepless nights

in Freewriterslast year

I no longer have them, perhaps I will one day but not at this moment. My days are filled, I have plenty of things to do plus I think a lot. It's a must to face yourself, life for what it is, take breaks to think over whatever keeps your mind busy. One needs to digest all the experiences and daily information, the fake info and truth included.
Ignoring isn't the key, not is refusing to have a closer look. What you won't face at daytime will hunt you at night.

Exitement can keep one awake as well for example before one is traveling. If you plan the trip, sleep a bit more, laugh and do not overeat you have a better nightrest as well.

Since cold keeps me awake I do my best to keep me and my bed warm. A hot water bag, socks, a scarf and even a hat can help to keep warm just like a pillow on your head/face (I am not kidding this morning I woke up again this way. It keeps the cold away I can assure you that).

I learned if you make a big deal out of sleeping the entire night you won't sleep.
For a period I went out of bed to do something which only tired me out more. I gave up on doing things and instead accepted being awake. A good time to think.
If your mind is very busy write everything down and have a look at it next day. It works for me and still works. Can be that was the "cure" if a cure was needed at all.

I accepted I am not able to sleep longer and I always wake up at the same time no matter how tired I am. Perhaps the day will come I can take a nap at daytime if not I go to bed early to catch some extra sleep.
There's nothing wrong with that plus there's no need for me to stay awake till 11 pm.


See @mariannewest for a daily prompt!

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