
in Freewriters4 hours ago

A person experiences a lot in a lifetime, even in a day, and much of it can scare you. You can even be scared at the moment you wake up and would rather go back to sleep.

With my inflamed leg, I first watched a video this morning where a child was torn to pieces by a drone on the street in the Gaza Strip and then I read an emergency call from an Indonesian hospital in Northern Gaza where shots were being fired at patients and doctors. I wonder why we humans can't just live together or, if that doesn't work, avoid each other. What is it that drives us to boss others around? In the end, we all die, from birth it's a countdown. What are the last thoughts on your deathbed or before you are shot or stabbed? Victory because you think you've won?
Maybe I should ask the rich of the world if they are ever scared. Do they lie awake because of the misery they cause or are they so brainwashed that emotion and empathy are no longer felt? I think it's the latter with a bit of insanity that makes "normal" behavior no longer present.

While I wanted to share a movie that a recently operated friend (and Steemian) might like, I came across another one that I just shared with @jiya99 and am sharing again here.

Fear. We know it in all shapes and sizes and the biggest fear for many is perhaps (besides not having food or not being able to give your children what they need) separation anxiety or the fear of being left alone. What is it that we need most? A friend or a lover?

I myself think that a good friend is the most important, although there are not many who still want to invest in friendship (that screen in their hand is much more important (see the lyric that @joslud wrote for #wewrite06).
So if a friend is not in it, then perhaps a (short-lived) love is the motto?

Wallflower. Are you one? You don't even have to be an introvert to become one, although it will certainly play a role.
There you are in the dance hall because you love dancing but no one (in this case a man) sees you. That doesn't make you look any happier and you go back home despondent because the only thing that sparkles at you is a diamond. And there he is, the thief...

Wallflower Tango.. the perfect short film to distract yourself and relax for a while, but also to ask yourself how honest you are. Does appearance not play a role? With this lady, it is decisive and even the fact that she is rich does not seem to attract men (at least that's an advantage).

The best thing about this movie? The smile that breaks through on the wallflower's face (although the thief first looked at her legs and butt after he tore her dress to shreds). A sweet movie, a romantic story and it gives hope to everyone who is staring at the wallpaper (nowadays the screen of a mobile phone) in the hope that someone is thinking of them (if not, take that step yourself and send a text, comment, or call. Don't dare? Then ask yourself what the worst is that can happen to you and you will see that it is not that bad).

Saturday prompt: scaring by @freewritehouse

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