Marketing Plan - Utopia

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)

If I may believe the internet, AI and marketing is all about blah blah blah. A meeting where one talks and shows his/her PowerPoint while the rest keep an eye on the private phone and pray that a free lunch will be served soon.
Those present are rarely asked for their opinion on which road to take since it is already set in stone. It's just for the show they are invited and stuffed like a turkey to give them a good feeling about their time being wasted. The top is happy since no one can claim s/he wasn't updated plus they can say it was supported, they all voted for it, which is a smart marketing strategy.

If you are solo you can not use this trick. The only one you can blame (but praise as well) is yourself. Bad plans or strategies, the result is all yours.

Online is where all businesses can be great even those who do not exist. If you think about it, it is fascinating how easily we all are fooled daily without noticing it.

UTOPIA is our marketing strategy
The new EU law is a great idea and needed. The entire World Wide Web will be checked for fake news. Bing, Google, Wikipedia, and all those social platforms where people dare to talk will be cleaned up. If you say one of the words on the blacklist flash your message is gone and who knows ZIP and your brain will be closed down as well.

If anyone in the new world reads this let me know what your world looks like. We are those ancestors of 6-8 generations ago you love to brag about but can't stand if it comes to it since you find yourself the better brand (brainwashing is marketing too). That is if you find a way to talk to us. A message in a bottle might work.

Without any doubt, this will not happen. You will still read us, we just can no longer read and see you. You are off the radar so to say. You no longer count just like anyone else sharing words we do not like to hear.
What we are doing is to block the entire world and build ours without you. It's about time. This is our marketing strategy and plan, a cool, modern, sophisticated one.
We will save the people, our people from Western drama and lies, we can since we are the real united ones, and with that democracy is saved as well. The old world will relive and be better, stronger than ever and the best of all is there is no free lunch.

Remember where you are coming from you all are just a copy of a copy of a copy of us, not the original version. No worries, we still have skills and survive without your gas and noisy broadcasting.

All the best, Utopia



@pousinha @ibesso @yaladeeds @vwrites @sbamsoneu @aminasafdar @esvisionaria @pousinha @fadthalib @cathywrites

Picture source
Prompt: marketing see here

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
If you wrote something good you can tag me, original (no AI-written) stories/tales only. You do not need to join a club to be read and upvoted and you can post wherever you like. I suggest the Freewriters or @hive-107855 the Dream Steem. Use the tag # story (tales & stories only!
Happy Writing, @wakeupkitty

#freewrite #marketing #creativewriting #kittywu


A very interesting story. Sounds like Sci-Fi in a form of a letter. The truth is that we really need to work not for a free lunch reward after a heroic hour-long inattentive sitting, but for making world a better place. Not for making profit out of some unhealthy novelties, but for creating a more sincere and thoughtful society.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.

Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

Unfortunately this is no SF it already happened. That law started Februar 18th, 2024.
Europe will find way less hits if searching the internet. The EU-government says it is to protect the people. All alternative newschannels (those not belonging to the government are banned and will be, just like those with a different opiniin be treated like therorists.

If they ban all alternative news channels just to use the only ones approved by government…. Is that not infringement on human rights in terms of “freedom of expression or speech”?

 3 months ago (edited)

🤔 you should think so but nooooo it's to protect the people in a democracy for their head filled with lies and nonsense... There's no need to learn, visit school, a brain chip will do the trick and the G5 is the latest gag. People's behaviour can be controlled with it. How cool is that?

Freedom of expression you have if you say what they like to hear. People are imprisoned and their bank account blocked by the governments if they share a different opinion. It all started 5 years ago and now the law is a fact.

Social media simply removes posts, something they do since many years and they show what you are allowed to see.

We all see a different version of the truth, how cool is that? www is not as wide as we all thought it was.

Btw you and I share the fact we live in the test countries.


Oh, I didn't hear about that. Thank you for a detalization!

Anyway,I hope this law will serve a good purpose

We'll see.

In theory I'm ok with some restrictions, but then power potentials always get abused sooner or later. Especially if the core of such laws is based on wibbly wobbly terms that could be interpreted willy nilly, depending on whoever is at the lever that time. Doesn't mean one should try to respect other people's feelings, or be reasonable, I'm just not sure if mandating speech is feasible. At least not in the long term.

Personally I figure when dealing with a hateful society, fake news, racism and all that nasty stuff, you can't just mandate that away. It's not a political problem as much as a personal one expressing itself collectively. Like a synergy of our individual behaviour within the group. Then there's the whole Jungian idea of integrating one's shadow, in terms of incorporating certain negative tendencies that seem to be hard-wired, but could be used in product ways. Take aggression for instance, comparing mindless violence to taking that energy and violently cleaning your house. Or angry make-up sex for that matter, compared to throwing dishes at eachother. But that's just a thought, I'm obviously no psychologist.

In terms of individual change, but on a collective scale, I like the original idea of enlightenment. I'm not talking about spiritual illumination, but in the thinking for yourself sense. I haven't read much of Immanuel Kant but his essay about answering the question what enlightenment ultimately was, always stuck with me. According to him enlightenment was the escape from immaturity while immaturity was the inability to think for yourself. He then he talked about how somebody who never walked on his own can't be expected to walk well, after walking for the first time. So enlightenment I suppose has its dangers, but then keeping people ignorant also almost always turns against itself. Like being overthrown by an increasing amount of collective ignorance.

There's probably no simple clean solution, but I figure just banning speech won't do good about the same as just saying anything without caring about anybody around you. On the other hand, again I would argue restricting speech in some degree might be a good idea, if it didn't mean pouring out the baby with the bathwater.

Have a good one! :-)

Good, bad, mature, inmature, who has the right to speak (can be taken seriously and who decides about what is normal, acceptable, the good, bad, not even norms and values are set by society... I doubt there is a solution since we are not all the same and will never be.
The only solution I see is a world with robots only, no humans but likely they start with the same...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and leaving this great #comment

 #comment - elf you are special.jpg

@wakeupkitty.pal @hive-169911 @freeweitehouse

 3 months ago 

@Wakeupkitty, you crack me up each time you choose to be on the other side of the minorities, you actually write to educate abd and your style is not the conventional type. And for real, brainwashing is also marketing, marketing is the modern day brainwashing and the media is their best created tool.

If I may believe the internet, AI and marketing is all about blah blah blah. A meeting where one talks and shows his/her PowerPoint while the rest keep an eye on the private phone and pray that a free lunch will be served soon.✓
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 Boring Meetings will surely be where one can't find you in, cos you are sure going to make them uncomfortable, if I am there I will just be laughing like one that inhaled too much laughing gas. Preach on sister💪

You know what the most scaring thing is? There's a hairdresser club through the country with the name: Brainwash
Seriously, I would never visit a hairdresser with such a name!

 3 months ago (edited)

Brainwash hell No!!! Wash the hair and leave my brain alone. I will be scared to visit a place like that, what sort of dark creative juice was the founder sipping, cos that is one crazy name to choose from.

Ini sebuah realitas dari dunia saat ini, dimana Neo Kapitalisme modern dibidang ekonomi sudah 100% dikuasai negara dan tidak ada kekuatan yang mampu menghentikan kegiatan tersebut. Seperti biasa negara berkembang akan menjadi menu makan siang mereka, " No free lunch".

Dengan anggaran iklan yang no limit mereka bisa berbuat apa saja dan sekali lagi masyarakat negara berkembang hanya menjadi followers setia tanpa mau berpikir kritis tentang drama yang sedang dimainkan.

Semoga tatanan dunia baru bukan sekedar utopia...

Saya khawatir inilah tatanan dunia yang baru. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang ingin mengurangi populasi dunia. Mereka membunuh banyak orang beberapa tahun terakhir dengan bantuan cerita palsu dan suntikan. Para lansia adalah satu-satunya yang tersisa dengan ingatan, pengetahuan pendidikan dan uang. Yang tersisa adalah anak-anak muda yang terpaku pada ponsel mereka. Pelajaran sejarah mereka bertolak belakang dengan pelajaran sejarah saya.

Inilah dunia yang kita tinggali. Mata tidak dapat dibuka bagi mereka yang tidak dapat membedakannya.

Anda benar-benar percaya "Anda tidak akan memiliki apa pun dan bahagia" tidak akan ditemani oleh ular berbisa yang besar di rerumputan?

Rencana-rencananya sudah jelas. Akhir dari agama, tidak ada keluarga, tidak ada kehamilan, semua orang yang diizinkan untuk tetap hidup akan memiliki chip, mengenakan pakaian yang sama dan jika Anda tidak berperilaku, itu adalah zip ... Kau tamat.


Saat ini proses homogenisasi manusia sedang dan akan terus berlangsung dan itu jelas menentang kodrat Tuhan yang sudah menciptakan manusia itu heterogen.

Bagi kami saat ini masih bisa mengatasi masalah tersebut, mungkin sampai 30 tahun mendatang populasi di negara berkembang masih aman.

Namun kami harus bekerja keras untuk mendoktrin generasi muda tentang pentingnya memiliki keluarga dan keturunan. Hanya dengan menghasilkan keturunan yang sehat maka tatanan dunia baru yang tetap heterogen akan selalu ada.

Musuh terbesar bagi generasi saat ini selain smartphone adalah NARKOBA. Itu yang akan menghancurkan suatu generasi seperti perang candu masa lalu.

Apakah banyak yang menggunakan narkoba bersama Anda? Saya harap kami menemukan cara untuk menghentikannya. Setiap narkoba adalah bahan kimia, racun dan sekali kecanduan, sulit untuk berhenti.

Sejujurnya, saya berharap anak-anak saya tidak akan pernah memiliki anak yang tumbuh besar di sini, menjadi orang yang terpuruk, takut untuk berbicara. Tidak ada demokrasi hanya karena mereka mengatakan ada.

Selama Anda tetap berada di tempat Anda berada, Anda akan aman. Begitu sampai di sini, orang-orang akan segera dihancurkan karena mereka berada dalam jangkauan dan bergantung pada CBDC (mata uang digital bank sentral) - uang gratis untuk pembangunan. Pemerintah akan memberi tahu Anda apa yang diizinkan untuk Anda lakukan. Area 15 menit, dikupas, tidak boleh bepergian, penguncian untuk alam (tetapi mereka menghapus setiap taman, petani harus berhenti dan mereka menebang pohon) dan bank serta toko-toko mendaftarkan apa yang kita beli dan 'jejak' CO2 yang menjadi bagian dari setiap barang yang Anda beli.

Narkoba susah dihancurkan karena ada keterlibatan aparat penegak hukum yang menikmati uang peredaran narkoba.

Bolehkan saya meminta pandangan anda dalam bentuk tulisan tentang bangsa Aceh karena banyak jejak sejarah bangsa kami ada di museum Belanda.

Ini tidak bermaksud untuk menyalahkan masa lalu, biarkan itu bagian dari sejarah. Hanya saja jika anda tidak keberatan untuk menulis secuil cerita masa lalu dengan genre penulisan anda yang kontemporer maka akan memberikan nilai edukasi bagi saya dan tentunya bisa menjadi referensi mengajar bagi siswa saya terkait sejarah.

Semenjak saya bergabung dengan steemit, baru anda seorang yang menjadi sahabat pena bagi saya yang mau berbalas komentar demkian panjang. Saya pikir anda terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu di steemit tapi jika itu mengasyikkan, mengapa tidak.

Apakah Anda ingin saya menulis tentang sejarah Belanda Indonesia, bagaimana perasaan rata-rata orang Belanda tentang orang Indonesia, akar atau ikatan kami dengan Anda, makanan atau?

Saya bisa melakukannya mungkin setelah akhir pekan jika saya tinggal bersama putri saya. Beritahu saya apa yang Anda ingin saya tulis.

Saya menulis dengan Anda dan membuang dua sahabat pena saya untuk saat ini (mereka berada di penjara Amerika) dan sejauh ini tidak berkomentar dan menulis sebanyak yang saya lakukan sebelumnya.

Tidak ada gunanya menulis jika orang tidak merespons dan kebanyakan dari mereka tidak merespons.

Jangan khawatir saya masih memiliki kehidupan dan melakukan hal-hal lain di samping Steemit.


Ini tentang Cornelis de Houtman yang tewas di tangan laksamana Malahayati. Cerita ini sudah dijadikan film oleh Hollywood dan kalau saya tidak salah, hari pertempuran itu sudah ditetapkan sebagai hari pahlawan wanita dunia oleh UNESCO.

Pertanyaannya, apakah keturunan cornelis de houtman masih ada, apa mereka mengetahui sejarah kakek biyutnya yang seorang jenderal itu?.

Saya pikir dua tokoh besar ini akan menjadi tulisan sejarah kontemporer yang sangat menarik untuk dibaca. Saya yakin imajinasi anda tentang laksamana malahayati pasti sangat menarik.

Supaya tulisan anda banyak di baca steemians dari ACEH, anda bisa menulis di komunitas steem for betterlife. Ini pasti sangat menarik dan sangat berguna.

Saya akan melihat apakah saya dapat menemukan informasinya kembali. Tidak disebutkan. Bahkan buku sejarah Belanda saya yang ditulis oleh saudara laki-laki kakek saya tidak lagi digunakan di sekolah-sekolah atau dijual (bekas). Jika kebenarannya dibagikan, kemungkinan besar sudah diubah beberapa kali. Saya akan melihat apa yang bisa saya temukan sebelum seluruh sejarah dihapus.

Jika menyangkut keluarga Cornelis De Houtman, jika mereka masih hidup, mereka tahu siapa nenek moyang mereka, kecuali jika mereka berganti nama dan memiliki orang tua yang tidak menceritakannya. Mungkin saya harus mencari di beberapa arsip di Den Haag atau perpustakaan atau membutuhkan bantuan dari mereka yang berspesialisasi dalam Sejarah Keluarga.

Nenek dari pihak ibu mengatakan bahwa leluhurnya adalah Floris ke-5.

Aku akan membiarkan Anda

Utopia is the atmosphere of my e-books, despite the raw realistic artist🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thank you, friend!
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We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.

Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

EU rules are making people sick.

They do and that's why we do not hear much about each change of rule. It's to protect us and give us peace of mind. 😐👋

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