How many miles of yarn?

in Freewriterslast year

I thought it must be possible to finish one project a week.
Knitting a pullover doesn't take that much time if time is no issue it can be done in 4 days. If you ask me crocheting is even faster.

I try to remember what I created this year. January was good for at least 4 projects.
I like to think February was too. I used the yarn that made me cry (bad quality) so I did finish the pullover although it might not last long. It took me extremely long to finish it with the damaged yarn (made in Spain if you wonder). It's soft, very soft but too big but hopefully it will last for longer if there is not too much pressure on it.



So after I knitted the cardigan above out of leftover yarn I created more.

The scarf I started with is not finished yet (out of yarn) but I finished a purple pullover, sweater and armwarmers.




The purple yarn was meant for me. I intended to make a long coat but since it was not enough I used it for my children.


At the moment I am redoing the green arm/handwarmers I knitted. This time I'll chrochet. The second one I'll finish today. Next I will make a pair of brown ones and start the next project. A cardigan or perhaps a vest? The yarn is the same bad quality as the grey one (see above) but blue.

I nearly finished the box with leftover yarn gifted to me over ten years ago. I wonder how many miles of yarn I will have used before Summer starts.

See @mariannewest for a daily prompt

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