
in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

Eczema, as strange as it may sound almost everyone has it. Eczema is sometimes clearly noticeable, but often not or we just get used to it. Those flakes on the scalp, for example, are eczema. Also, the flakes in eyelashes, eyebrows, and between the eyes are eczema.
Were you ever told as a child to wash behind your ears too? Behind the ears, in the corners of the mouth, but also the hollows of the knees and armpits are classic places where you see eczema. Often, this rash (skin irritation) first appears in places where it is hot or friction occurs. The face also often suffers from eczema. You would think that the face that is never protected and outside in all weathers would be able to take a beating. The opposite is true.
Swollen, red eyelids, torn corners of the mouth, and corners of the eyes are painful, more painful than many people think. It is easy to judge someone who is already suffering like this. Eczema is not the result of poor hygiene, nor is it contagious. Doctors (or is it Big Pharma?) just try things and, with luck, the symptoms are suppressed or the rash disappears as one age.
That childhood eczema (eczema originated in childhood) automatically disappears when you get older is not true. It is the dead giveaway a doctor fobs off the patient with, which he may also comfort him with at the time.
Like allergies, the number of people with eczema is only increasing. Eczema may also be a disease of affluence or perpetuated by the many tests, drugs, doctor's visits, the ever-increasing number of vaccinations (these cause a lot more side effects than the ones called normal), and the paired stress.

The human body not only suffers stress in personal problems, but experiences it in everything we do or refuse to do (getting enough sleep, eating healthy, relaxing, standing up for ourselves, and so on). Stress comes in all shapes and sizes and often we don't even notice it.


To date, no cure for eczema has been found, at least chronic eczema. A one-off rash does not compare to the eczema many suffer from all their lives. Indeed this is suffering. For those who are always itching and in pain, it is difficult to get through the day and rest at night. Even while sleeping, the itching and pain are felt and scratched. From experience, I can say that no powder, ointment, or cream takes away the itching and heals the skin. Even the many medications often work moderately and cause even more damage to the body. I have had ample experience with this too. Anyone who thinks big pharma or any doctor is liable for this is wrong. For centuries, doctors have been considered special and enjoyed prestige, but they did not and do not take responsibility for the damage they cause. In itself, this is a strange situation.

In the past few hundred years, a lot of things have been tested on people and permanently harmed, but responsibility for this has never been taken. Now, in 2022, Moderna and Pfizer are roaring that governments forced them to come up with an injection quickly, and therefore they are not responsible. Strange because Moderna was already conducting tests on humans in 2019, before C19. So this is not about having to invent a drug quickly, but about washing their hands off it and making as much profit as possible. Human health does not matter to these specialists, after all, there are enough people in the world.

Is eczema hereditary? That is a question that cannot be easily answered. Within a family, this largest organ of man, the skin, can be the weak spot, but this does not necessarily mean that eczema is hereditary. What is known is that as a person ages, the rash changes, just as people and their lifestyles change.

As a newborn, I was stuffed with prednisone. I have since stopped this a few years back. The doctors said this would be impossible, but I did it anyway. I am doing no worse, now perhaps better than ever before. The many doctors, specialists, drugs, and ointments never helped me. I have only felt sicker, incredibly dirty, and increasingly tired while the inflammation and pain continued and my skin sometimes even stank like it was rotting.

Do you suffer from eczema? Do what feels best for you, because a doctor will just try something and blindly go by what the pharma says. If eczema occurs in almost every citizen, how come there is still no drug developed that cures mankind of it? Both are, hospitals and pharma do not benefit (financially) from healthy people. Only a sick person is part of a good revenue model. If you no longer want to be the revenue model, learn to take care of yourself like me. The doctor has long since lost his wisdom and knows less than your fellow sufferer.


See @mariannewest for a daily prompt

See @wakeupkitty for the contest: Looking back, look forward!

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