Try not to offend

in Freewriters3 years ago

Freewrite is a writing exercise, @mariannewest provides a topic to be freely developed by the writer on a daily basis, it must comply with the guidelines outlined and published in the Freewrite community of writers to which I belong. for

The Freewrite community is one of my favorites as well as the Heartchurch community, it has given me the opportunity to have a place and something to do within Steemit, which fits me.

Marianne I want you to know that I enjoy some songs a lot while writing them for Freewrite and I also want you to know that I give you my support by subscribing to your YouTube channel.

Thanks to @mariannewest, the community administrators, moderators, sponsors and writers who make this space possible.

The Freewrite that I write today caught my attention because it is something with which I identify, so I want to expose my thoughts on the matter and hopefully it will help me change my perspective so that one day I can say I have grown I am stronger because I have overcome this issue.

Try not to offend

Offending is a very encompassing word, it has many synonyms that help us understand the magnitude of its meaning.

The offense is not a light thing, it is an evil that breaks the soul, leaves it wounded bleeding for a long time, we suffer the consequence of the offense for longer than we wish, it can even cause serious problems of depression, plunging into a hole of darkness and hopelessness.

Some people do not think about how sensitive other people are, they think that those who are offended are dramatic and call them crystal because anything breaks them into a thousand pieces, thinking like that of the weakest is not kind at all.

I appreciate people who take the time to think carefully how to say things without offending, but they do not always achieve the goal and end up offending even without meaning to.

We do not want to be offended, we do not want to be offended so easily, but like all other things in life, it is a subject that we need to learn to handle in such a way that it affects us as little as possible, the best thing would be to become immune to offenses, but that is a fallacy we will never be immune to them.

Nobody has thought of opening a subject that is part of the curriculum that teaches us not to offend ourselves, not to be made of glass, not to be theatrical in the face of words, gestures or actions that offend us.

Daily life, friction with other people, is the school that forms character in us, the exercise that makes us strong is forgiveness because it gives us freedom, we get rid of the annoying feeling of pain in the soul and recurring thoughts in the offender and the offense, but that doesn't happen overnight, it's a process that takes time.

Only God can heal the wounded soul, he with his loving words brings comfort to the broken heart.

There are many books and other very good self-help materials to overcome the offense, to improve interpersonal relationships because we cannot be lonely islands in this world, we need each other and it is better that we learn to get along.

It is true that there are grievances that feel less offensive than others, the type of person and the closeness or type of relationship that one has with the individual who makes the disparagement influences.

Recently one offense triggered another, I literally felt pain in my soul and sadness overwhelmed me, the thoughts going over what happened trying to find the reason for what happened, were becoming a mental strength that was sinking me instead of helping me overcome the pain .

I thank God for all the men who make an effort to help others in issues like these, because I listened to a radio program, they were talking about the offense and forgiveness, one of their advice is not to think about the offender, not to review mentally Facts, doing so takes you away from the exit and keeps you chained to insults.

What you have to do every time the thought about the offender and the offense comes, is to repeat the words "I forgive you and let you go" but do it honestly, with sincerity of heart, because otherwise this will not work and It will be an accumulation of empty words and then to expel it from the mind with another thought, with one that is positive, pleasant that generates joy, hope, harmony and little by little returns you to inner peace.

Soon you will notice that those thoughts are moving away from you and you begin to regain your emotional health.

We all offend it is true, I have also offended, I try not to do it, I restrain myself from speaking hurtful words as much as I can, although sometimes I can't, but I keep trying and as another Freewrite writer said on this topic “don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you ”.

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