
in Freewriters16 days ago

1000529379.jpg Photo merupakan koleksi pribadi

dengarlah, ada panggilan dari dokter
dokter bilang adik sudah sembuh
sudah boleh pulang
dokter berpesan
adik anak baik
adik harus istirahat
sepeda di simpan dulu
agar jangan terlalu lelah

mari kita pulang
adik janji akan dengar nasihat Ibu
mau tidur siang
makan dengan teratur
belajar dengan baik
dan ikut olah raga bersama Ibu

Ibu, nanti kalu adik sudah sembuh betul
sudah cukup istirahat
adik boleh ya makan es krim
adik boleh ya main sepeda
adik rindu gayuh sepeda lagi
gayuh sepeda olah raga juga Ibu
di hari minggu
kita gayuh lebih jauh lagi

lihat, sepedanya sudah bersih
adik sudah mencuci
nanti sore adik akan pergi
ke rumah teman mengayuh sepeda
boleh ya Bu kami balapan sepeda lagi 🙂

Berikut adalah terjemahan puisi ke dalam bahasa Inggris:


Mom... listen,
there's a call from the doctor
The doctor says my little sibling is recovered
and can go home now
The doctor advises, "Your child is well-behaved,
they need to rest, put the bike away for now
so they won't get too tired"

Mom, let's go home, my sibling promises
to listen to your advice
They want to take a nap, eat regularly,
study well, and exercise with you

Mom, when my sibling is fully recovered
and has rested enough, they can have ice cream
They can ride their bike again, they miss cycling
Cycling is exercise too!

On Sundays, we'll ride further, Mom
Look, their bike is clean, my sibling washed it
This afternoon, they'll visit their friend, riding their bike
Can we have a bike race again? 🙂


Saya memberikan penilaian untuk puisi saya ini dengan nilai 9,8.
Pembicaraan saat Si Bungsu masuk rumah sakit beberapa tahun yang lalu saat dokter mengatakan dia sembuh.

 15 days ago 

Simply put, a child's hobby is to play and play and play, no matter what the circumstances, play is a daily necessity that must not be left behind. I used to love playing soccer after going to the Koran in the afternoon, playing in the empty land between the villagers' settlements, we played barefoot by building a goal from bamboo. Every afternoon was like that, without a call to gather from the WhatsApp group first. Everything went perfectly.

#wewrite #comment

 14 days ago 

Cute and child logic. We should not worry about what children don't worry about.

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