CONTEST: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - 8/20/2021 | by @stan015

in Freewriters3 years ago


The weekly amazing contest "a picture is worth a thousand words" here in the freewriters community has always stood to be the only one of its kind. I love participating in this great contest! Read on to know my wonderful views.

what I see:
I see a great artist painting/drawing.
I could see he is painting Jesus Christ on the cross, His mother Marry and Jesus' when he was a kid.
I can see the environment he is on.
I can see his tools for the painting.
I can also see that the artist is an old man!

What I feel:
I feel that the this picture is telling us that talents doesn't know age!
I feel that The image of Jesus Christ he painting is speaking to us like a proud master, he say "can you see him? his age? do you see that age whatever stage you are in this life that you can still do it better? Do you see his seriousness in aiming to achieve his goal of completing this painting? Common! my friend...DO MORE!"

A poem:
the artist:
Oh! let me paint the picture of my Jesus
I am old but I believe I can still do It!!
let me pass the message to the world and motivate someone today!
You all can still show your best!
It is never too late to try!!

Jesus Christ:
Oh! my people can you see this man?
he is painting a proud me and he is focused to see the finish!
Talent is for everyone! small, young and old!
Have you discovered YOUR TALENT???
Show it to the world and praise the Lord Your God!



Experience comes with the years and an artist is an artist. Drawings and paintings can be made everywhere. There's no need to visit art school or have the most expensive tools. Faith is all you need.


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