Asesinato (Cuento) Murder (Story) 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: murder

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)




Cuando llegamos al sitio solo estaba el animal, un hermoso perro, un pastor alemán agachado sobre una mancha de sangre que el muy bien reconocía como la de su dueño. Pude entrever sus lágrimas, en esos ojos que reflejaban dolor.

—El señor Fernando vivía solo con su perro, —eso nos lo dijo la casera cuando le preguntamos, —cuando me levanté oí un ruido y salí, no pensé que era alguien del edificio, lo vi caer. ¡borrachos! Dije, luego oí los ladridos de ese perro y por más que grité para que se callara, el siguió ladrando, así que busqué la llave, apenas entreabrí la puerta y casi me tumba; voy tras él y veo cuando se detiene ahí mismo, donde vi caer al hombre, resulta que era su dueño, no sabía qué hacer, hasta que llegaron ustedes, Y dígame: ¿qué fue lo que pasó?

—Alguien le dio una puñalada y aquí estoy tratando de interpretar esa mirada, el parece saber y yo creo que sí lo sabe.
—Ese perro era su compañero, ¿por qué no se fue tras su cuerpo?
—Tal vez porque su espíritu está aquí y él lo sabe, está esperando que el asesino vuelva a escena para hacerle pagar el asesinato.
—¿Usted cree en eso? —dijo la casera.
—El animal lo encontrará y ahí lo agarraremos, si el perro nos deja.

Se quedó allí con el perro, el animal tenía la vista fija en la calle, de repente emitía ladridos sollozantes. Vi que se levantó y empezó a caminar, lo encontró, pensé, fue avanzando con más rapidez, después vi, como de un grupo de personas alguien corrió, el perro aumentó la velocidad, también vi su sombra saltar sobre el hombre y como un grito abrió la noche.



When we arrived at the site there was only the animal, a beautiful dog, a German shepherd crouched over a bloodstain that he recognized as his owner's. I could see his tears, in those eyes that reflected pain.

—Mr. Fernando lived alone with his dog," the concierge told us when we asked her, "when I got up, I heard a noise and went out, I didn't think it was someone from the building, I saw him fall," I said, "drunkards! —I said, then I heard the barking of that dog and no matter how much I shouted for him to shut up, he kept barking, so I looked for the key, I barely opened the door and he almost knocked me down; I go after him and I see when he stops right there, where I saw the man fall, it turns out it was his owner, I didn't know what to do, until you arrived, and tell me: what happened to him?

—Someone stabbed him and here I am trying to interpret that look, he seems to know and I think he does.
—That dog was his companion; why didn't he go after his body?
—Maybe because his spirit is here and he knows it, he's waiting for the killer to return to the scene to make him pay for the murder.
—Do you believe that? —said the concierge.
—The animal will find him and we'll get him there, if the dog will let us.
She stood there with the dog, the animal's eyes fixed on the street, suddenly emitting a sobbing bark. I saw it get up and start walking, it found him, I thought, it went faster and faster, then I saw, from a group of people someone ran, the dog increased its speed, I also saw its shadow jump over the man and like a scream it opened the night.

Fondo de portada
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Sort: had some issues translating. Some parts are translated twice.
The only thing I understand is the dog found the murderer.

Thank you for reading and I apologize for the translation, I should have checked more carefully, and if so, the dog has found the culprit.

No need to apologize just wanted you to know the translator was confused.

Good job, doggie! A dog is a man best friend, they said.

I think so too, they don't have the complications of human beings, thanks for reading. Regards.

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