Twisted Bonds: A Tale of Betrayal, Revenge, and the Devil's Pact… (Part 2)

in Freewriters2 days ago

This particular story is one of my stories I did long ago in dream steem community and it was organized by @bambuka and @weisser-rabe. Seeing this new challenge on script writing, I think this is actually the best moment to complete this story.

Summary of part 1

This story talks about four childhood friends:

  • Dennis : the rich kid, (mayor’s son)
  • Nicky: the smooth talker
  • Richard: The smart and talented one
  • Mimi: The beauty.


This friends had strong bond for one another, but their relationship got destroyed due to jealousy and deceit. Dennis is obsessed with Mimi, who only sees him as a brother but has an eye for Richard and they were dating.

Nicky, close to Dennis, came up with a crazy idea to help him win the love of his life (Mimi). The plan involved isolating Mimi from Richard at the upcoming campfire party and the only way that could be achieved is by drugging Richard with a sleeping portion, so that he can’t join mimi for the party. Dennis out of jealousy intentionally put an overdose of the sleeping portion to get rid off Richard for good. The leftover of the portion was dropped in Mimi’s drink as well to make her sleep and he raped her. Nicky who devised the plan had know idea that Dennis had taken it so far and was shocked to find out Richard is dead.

Dennis blackmails Nicky and threatened to go down with him if he calls his name. They were both arrested but for a short while because the mayor couldn’t stand seeing his only son in prison. Mimi was devastated that the judge didn’t find them guilty and decided to take matters into her hands by agreeing to her father’s proposal who happens to be an occult head. The dad invoked the “book of shadows” to curse Nicky, Dennis and his families and the corrupt judge who took part in freeing them for the death of Richard and also for raping her. The curse took effect after a month later when it was announced on news that the mayor’s wife has committed suicide.

I don’t know if i did justice to the summary because it is very long but to read the full story, read here

Part 2

Main characters:

  • Nicky
  • Dennis
  • Mimi
  • Richard

Others: Cynthia, judge and , mayor.

Months after the rape, Mimi found out that she was pregnant and was insisting for an abortion but her parents won’t accept it. She made several attempts of taking the unborn baby’s life by starving herself and went as far as throwing herself down the stairs to cause a miscarriage but the baby won’t just die.


She couldn’t bear giving birth for that bastard Richard, who raped her. The doctor suggested her parents register her for a therapy session. The doctor recommended a therapist for her and to her greatest surprise, the therapist is an old friend way back in college days. Her name is Cynthia. Cynthia had a history of working with survivors of trauma, little did she know that Mimi was going to be her patient one day.

Mimi found solace in the hands of Sophia and she was able to pour her heart to her. She told her how her best friends conspired to kill her boyfriend (Richard) and what she went through just to get revenge for the injustice done to her, how the “book of shadows”have been tormenting her with the souls of people she had killed using its powers and how the guilt of it is making her go crazy.

Cynthia was perplexed, having know idea were to start from because she had never encountered such patient before. She took a deep breath and gently encourages Mimi to explore her past from the beginning.


Mimi begins to have a flashback of how it all happened:

After the death of the mayor’s wife, Mimi still had some unfinished business to handle because it was far from over! Meanwhile, Dennis and Nicky were having a good time after been released from prison and were eager to put the past behind them. Dennis went back to his old lifestyle of chasing ladies and partying hard. The guilt that once consumed him was fading away because he was able to convince himself that Richard’s death and Mimi’s rape was just an unfortunate accident. While Nicky was back to his smooth talking ways that elevated his social status.

In fact, this two were untouchable and life now seems to be going normal for them, so they thought. During one of their hang outs in a night club, a waiter arrived with drinks at Dennis table. As the waiter straightened up, their eyes met. Dennis screamed as he sees Richard’s face appear on the face of the waiter, hitting all the drinks to the floor and tried to call the attention of Nicky pointing at the waiter about who he just saw now!! Nicky couldn’t see anything because the face has changed back to the normal waiter’s face. Nicky just laughed it off, telling him they have had too much drinks and it is making him see things. Dennis quickly left the club and drove off out of fear without carrying his friend along.


Nicky was forced to board a cab and urged the driver to take him away after so much drinks in his system. Nicky was almost sleeping at the back sit of the car, when he noticed something in rear view mirror. He thought he was hallucinating when the face of the driver changed to Richard’s face staring back at him with cold, accusing eyes. Nicky wasn’t quite sure of what he was seeing , so he used his hands to rub his eyes to be sure he’s not seeing a ghost.

When the driver turned around to ask Nicky for directions, Nicky is confronted again with Richard’s face, twisted in a sinister smile. Out of fear, Nicky jumped out of the moving vehicle on a highway to run for his life, unknown to him that there was a big trailer coming behind the cab, it jammed him. The taxi driver back to his normal self, rushed out of the taxi, trying to resuscitate Nicky but it was already too late.

The mayor was in the sitting room, reading the newspaper when Dennis badged into the house looking terrified but he chose to ignore him because he already had a lot on his plate that he needed to sort out. Scandal he thought was long gone and buried had resurfaced and it’s back to haunt him. His political enemies were bent on destroying his spotless reputation.


Some investigative journalists had gone ahead by digging more into his past and found out several bribery and corruption issues that could be used as evidence to prosecute him in court. His political allies have abandoned him because they know this is a lost cause. His way out from all this mess is his best friend who is a corrupt judge.

The one who helped clear his son’s name from rape and murder charges. He picked up his phone to call the judge handling his case, to be lenient with him on his judgment only to find out that his friend was discovered in his chambers, dead! His heart stopped by what appears to be a fear-induced heart attack. The mayor knew his days are numbered.


Dennis entered his room feeling so restless over what he’d seen at the club but shook it off by taking some whiskey. He said to himself, “Maybe, Nicky was right after all. he was probably hallucinating as a result of the drink. There’s no way, the dead can have anything to do with the living”. That night he saw visions of Richard haunting him in his dreams. He woke up sweating profusely only to see Richard ghost at his bed side, whispering his name and asking, “Why?” Dennis jumped out of the bed, screaming and running out of the room like a madman. He picked his phone to call Nicky to tell him what he just saw but a police officer picked his phone and told him Nicky had passed on.

He rushed to the station to make enquiries, to know how his friend died. The police man narrated the incident to him and it sent shivers down his spine. Dennis became terrified that his past has caught up with him. He ran straight to Mimi’s house hoping to seek restitution by confessing his sins and how, him and Nicky plotted to kill Richard but mimi paid no attention to what he had to say. She chased him away and banged the door on his face.

Meanwhile, Mimi was also going through her own share of torment. Ever since she was raped, the trauma of the abuse never left her. Her virginity, which she had been saving for marriage, was taken away by the people she cared about the most. To make matters worse, they killed the love of her life, Richard. She never gave love another chance because she couldn’t trust any man. Despite seeing the recent deaths and agony that her conspirators are passing through as a result of using “the book of shadows”, it still doesn’t heal the internal wounds this people have inflicted on her. She becomes a shadow of herself, haunted not only by the trauma but by the dark magic she used to avenge it.


After Mimi had chased him out of her house, he drove straight to his dads office hoping to share the dilemma he is going through. The consistent reappearance of Richard ghost was making him go insane. Richard got to his dad’s office and saw police officers everywhere and was wondering what has happened? Only to see his dad on handcuffs. The scandal surrounding his corrupt practices has made him a pariah in the community he once ruled. The once famous and powerful mayor is now in ruins as a result of his past actions. The new judge that took over the case from his predecessor who is now late, sentenced the mayor to life imprisonment……..

”Mimi.. Mimi… Mimi… I know this is difficult, but I need you to come back to the room with me. Let’s take a deep breath together”, said Cynthia.

Mimi, came back to reality!!

Within this few hours, you have really shared a lot and it is important we take a break, so we can process it. We will continue from where we stopped tomorrow…. Hope that’s okay by you?

Yes… I feel a bit relieved said Mimi.

Watch out for the last part of the story!
  • To know how Dennis ended up.
  • What become of Mimi’s life after using the “book of shadows”.
  • And what happened to the unborn baby, that refused to die….

An interesting read but what it misses is the different stages of a script. It reads as if we are mainly in "action"

Happy writing and a great weekend!

 2 days ago 

Now I think, did I ever read a long story from you before? It misses a few parts of what changes it into a kind of script (the descriptions). I believe I spotted Action and Dialogue

I will work on it on the last part of the story!

A lot of turbulence!

Let the child have a good future; it can't help the way it was conceived. The only innocent person in this drama...

Lol… hopefully, it might have. Is still under probability 😂



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Thanks @irawandedy I really appreciate the upvotes

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