The muddy adventure of Peppa and little George!!

in Freewriters3 days ago (edited)

Peppa and little George are brothers who love’s going on great adventure together, whenever they are outside. Peppa was the elder brother, so he was always careful and thoughtful before doing anything, while little George, was the carefree one, filled with so much energy!


One morning, when they went for their usual adventure, little George, sited a mud from afar and ran as fast as his legs could carry him towards the mud. It was the biggest mud he’d ever seen. He screamed Peppa’s name to come check it out. Peppa got there and because of the size, he tried to discourage little George from entering.

Little George was so sad as they walked pass the mud. But the mud kept on calling little George’s name….. jump in! Jump in! Jump in. Little George, couldn’t resist the urge, he raced back towards the mud. Peppa ran after him, trying to stop him but little George was too fast for him. With a big leap, he jumped high into the air and splashed down into center of the mud.



Little George was having a time of his life in the mud. He begged Peppa to jump in but he refused. After few minutes hanging around the mud, Peppa pig wouldn’t allow little George enjoy all the fun alone, so, he took cautious step into the mud to have a good time. As little George dipped his hoof into the mud, something unexpected happened. Little George started sinking.

Help!! help!! Little George yelled out.

His legs were stuck inside the mud and he was moving down pretty fast. Peppa noticed that the more little George struggled to wriggle himself out, the more the mud was pulling him down. So he told him to “stay still”.

Peppa stepped in a bit deeper into the mud to pull little George hoof, he started sinking as well because of the weight of both of them. So he left little George. Little George squeals turned into frightened cries. Please, Peppa, help me!


Peppa, looking around, thinking of how to save his little brother…. Saw a branch, threw one end of the stick to little George while he was holding the other end and told him to “hold on to the branch”. Peppa pig tried to pull little George but the mud held tight. Then he used all the strength he could muster and with one final pull, they were both safe on the ground.

They lied down on the floor for a moment staring at each other and trying to catch their breath.

Little George, said “thank you so much, I thought I was going to drown in the mud”… with his heart still racing!!

Peppa muttered, “when I told you, it was dangerous, you were thinking, I just wanted to stop you from having fun…. Now see, were the fun has landed us. Anyway, I’m glad, you’re safe now.

“Thank you very much, Peppa. From now onwards, I’ll start listening to you” said little George..

“That was what you said last time” replied Peppa.

Both smiling together…


After resting for awhile, they both decided to go home, talking about their adventure that just took place.

Lessons learnt from this adventure:
  • Always look before you leap. Little George without thinking of the consequences, jumped into the pool of mud that almost killed him but peppa thought of the consequences that was why he was very careful entering inside.

  • There is this popular proverb in my country that says

what an elderly man will see, while sitting on his chair, even if a teenager climb the tallest iroko tree, he won’t see it.

What this simply means is that Peppa saw the danger ahead of time and there is every chance he must have had such experience when he was young but the naive little George wouldn’t listen to advice. He felt nothing will happen and see how he ended up.. so, always listen to advice from the older ones because they have more experience


I will be inviting @kuzboy, @mesola and @lusciouslucy for this writing contest hosted by @inspiracion and @wakeupkitty.

Images was generated by me, using Bing A.i


You know the "Muddy Angels Run"?


 2 days ago 

That looks like fun!

I swear! I've taken part in 2002 with a group of three crazy women. I have to look for photos... That time they made it not digital, I have to view real photo albums... ;-))

Lol… I can imagine how fun it would have been for you ladies.

I’ve seen something like this on a reality show on tv..

Orgh... I'm sure it was fun for the guys beside the runway, too!


You can’t blame them naa… they were there to watch everything 😂😂😂😂

 2 days ago 

You most likely watched mudwrestling...

 2 days ago 

You did! That is awesome and now I envy you. If you find them don't forget to tag me.
A great Friday the 13th.

 2 days ago 

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Good story. It would look better without all those pictures.


All good? - You could be nominated for the 5 best of the week.

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