5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: dog dancing

in Freewriters3 years ago

Dancing Dog



Who has seen a dancing dog? maybe nobody really but how fun to imagine a dancing dog that shows his talent to the sound of a good song. A dog that dances cha cha cha, or contemporary dance ...

Perhaps it is fun to see how thanks to new technologies we can create and share animations of dogs dancing or moving their tails to the sound of music, which although it seems simple, had an editing and production process. I believe that everything has a place and a value, from this daily challenge to the way it makes us think and write about a random topic like today.

We may not see dogs dancing but we do imagine them and we use our minds to recreate them.

Perro Bailando
Quien ha visto un perro bailando? quizás nadie en realidad pero que divertido imaginarnos un perro bailarín que muestre su talento al son de una buena canción. Un perro que baile cha cha cha, o danza contemporánea ...
Quizás es divertido ver como gracias a las nuevas tecnologías podemos crear y compartir animaciones de perritos bailando o moviendo su colita al son de una música, que aunque parezca algo sencillo, tuvo un proceso de edición y producción. Creo que cada cosa tiene un lugar y un valor, desde este reto diario hasta la forma en como nos hace pensar y escribir sobre un tema aleatorio como el de hoy.
Quizás no veamos perros bailando pero si los imaginamos y si usamos nuestras mentes para poder recrearlos.


A dog dancing the Cha cha cha or Tango? I'm not sure if I would love to see that. Dogs should have the right to be animals. Bit by bit we take that away from them.

certain. I think that if they could complain there would not be an exact account of so many complaints ... respect for animals and conscience for them