Roles between father and mother: Dad is the law and Mom is the source of life.

in Freewriters4 years ago


Women can often lament that today's boys lack a male education, and as a result of a lack of male education, men do not appear as men. This is a great truth, men have a different approach to education, not feminine, but masculine.

The crucial roles of parents in parenting must be clearly divided. Mom is the source of life. The task and role of the child's mother is to love, care for, support and sponsor. Dad is the law. The father embodies society within the family, establishes laws and rules. You can and should evaluate, set limits, implement sanctions and punishments.

Dad and mom speak differently. Men are harder to express themselves, although sometimes they are soft and sweet, they can say it easily to make it clear for example: this must be done immediately, this is not possible and should be.

Mom's word generally weighs less. Women are sweeter, although sometimes they speak strictly and can even scream, the child knows that his heart is soft. Mom is not iron, and listening to it is not always necessary. Mom may say "I don't like this", but this is not the Law with a capital letter. This is just an opinion, a wish, even if you are an authorized person. Dad is obeyed because he is mom and dad, because we love her.

If we observe the role of the mother, it is to love, accept, the child in any circumstance, accept the child regardless of his behavior. Instead the father's task is that his orders, sequence and systematic, logical order are not violated.

Try to make sure that the boy grows up surrounded by men, since a woman simply cannot teach many masculine duties. The role of a father is often played by other men: grandfather, uncle, sometimes even one of the neighbors. At least in the town and the small cities this happens.

Although sometimes a mother can give her son a role model for men.

There may be cases where the roles of the father and mother are often blurred, mixed, or removed, mainly from the father, and this is an unfortunate situation. The roles of love and law are best shared between parents. If these functions are personified by one of the parents, it is more difficult for a child to understand this, since the functions of unconditional acceptance and restriction are opposite in their manifestations. The separation of functions is less confusing and reduces the child's neuroticization.

There may be families, where parents can behave flexibly, in some situations they can change roles. And if Mommy ordered it, Daddy can play with her, hug the kids and warmly explain to them that Mommy is right and control her nerves, needlessly. Dad can be easy and happy in the family, it is only important that in serious situations children know when jokes end.

When there are no laws in the family, the child lives in a situation of unmarked limits. And you can violate all limits or sit still alarmed, not knowing where these limits are. The law must come mainly from the father, because if the mother is dedicated to the establishment of the law, the child does not listen to the mother and does not receive love, he perceives any sanction as unjust and unfounded punishment.

In the presence of the pope, it is not effective for the mother to assume functions of law and order. It is natural for a child of any gender to listen to a man and a better nonparticipating father than a participating authoritarian mother.

Naturally, if there is a need, mom can agree with dad about family rules beforehand. But Dad will express them. The best female position when raising a child is men, this is supporting the father's position and his approach to education.

Hopefully all households could count on the father figure, because we would have a better family structure, and we could correctly divide the roles of father and mother.

The important thing is that we have both the law and the sources of love, this is important for children.

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