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RE: No Need to Count It, a free write response for @wakeupkitty's comment

in Freewriters3 months ago

Wow, you can try water therapy up to 8 liters. As a therapy for detoxification, of course you need to consume more water. And you've tried it.

As far as intake of water, it depends on the climate of the place you live in. I need more water during summers in India compared to what I drink in winters and the quantity keeps changing as I keep changing my location on the globe. So there is no hard and fast rule. By the way, while I work sitting inside of my AC office, I keep sipping water every hour or so because our body gets more dehydrated in that situation.

The body's fluid needs are influenced by many factors, including climate, activity or place of work. In Indonesia, which only has two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season, it still requires sufficient water intake. Whether it's summer or not, but the weather is hot, of course we need lots of water. Like now, if you count the season, it has already entered the rainy season. However, natural conditions are not as discussed, namely that the rainy season will feel cool. In fact. In fact, evenings which are usually cold also feel hot so like it or not we have to drink lots of water. Likewise, if the workplace is not indoors, in a rice field or in another outdoor location, you will definitely need more water. All of this is to keep the body well hydrated.
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The intake of water depends on your work and environment for sure! For instance, now I live in Canberra so my water intake is lesser compared to when I live in Sydney where the weather is different from here. I hope you will continue working on Steemit as we need more knowledgeable people here.

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