The Path of Consciousness : Understanding, Evolving, Being

in Freewriters5 months ago

Hello everyone,

Sometimes, we're the only ones with an intense feeling, the kind that makes us want to give up everything, the kind we'd be ashamed to reveal. We hide it inside ourselves, preferring to keep it buried. We hope that time will make it disappear, but nothing fades without action, nothing progresses without effort, nothing is erased without will.

It's essential not to lose hope, but also to remain lucid. Our past, our wounds, our sufferings, we carry them like a burden, like a living story, charged with the message they convey and the use we make of them. No one but you can apprehend the depth of your being in relation to your experience. It takes years, and challenges us. So don't blame those who don't understand, because we're all complicit in this lack of understanding. Every day, when we look in the mirror, we think we know who we are, but as the years go by, as we face our trials and tribulations, each glance reflects a new person.

When life confronts us with challenges, that's when we discover who our allies really are, that's when we learn more about life itself. In moments of great adversity, we have the opportunity to better understand our own nature, and every day we know ourselves a little better than yesterday, we gain a little more confidence. Instead of seeking external calm, it's better to cultivate our own conscience so that we remain impervious to hurtful words and don't become a slave to other people's opinions. Time is precious, so rather than passively waiting for it, let's put it to good use in meaningful actions, for it is through action that we acquire knowledge, and it is this knowledge that guides us to salvation.

Thanks for reading



Well said. If we do not act nothing will change. Confidence will come/increase if we learn we can do it, even without help.

Thank you for the valuable freewrite.

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