Until Afraid to Say Its Name, This 'Cursed' City Is Called Bad luck to Reportedly Formerly a Place of Wicked Wizards

in Freewriters4 years ago


An amazing city in Italy seems to be the perfect vacation destination.

However, by population instead the city was labeled "evil".

They did not even dare to name the city because they believed it was cursed.

The city is Colobraro, which is in the southern hills Italy

Launching the Daily Star, Wednesday (05/13/2020), Colobraro is haunted by a terrible secret that is so frightening that the locals call it a "village with no name."

The city is said to be cursed with bad luck and bad luck for those who visit, reports Mirror Online.

The story began circulating after the 1940s.

At that time, the mayor of Colobraro, Biagio Virgilio, was said to have proclaimed at a city council meeting "I hope this chandelier will fall if I don't tell the truth".

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In the next few seconds, the large chandelier above his head fell to the ground.

Since then, locals have believed that Virgilio placed a terrible curse on their hometown.

Since the villagers believed in the curse - and since that fateful day - a number of unexplained tragedies have befallen many people.

Because the locals were afraid of the curse, they refused to describe the city by its name.

The news of the curse city had even spread far and wide outside the area.

A local resident admitted when he was in a restaurant in a nearby town, people stayed away from him when they realized that he was from Colobraro.

The name of the area itself is said to have a terrible origin.

It comes from the word coluber, which means 'snake' and some locals say it is a place where "evil (something) lives".

Not only that, but Colobraro has long been rumored to be the ancient home of masciare, or powerful women who do their magic using spells, evil eyes and curses.

They are often treated as physicians. Their neighbors come to them when they have certain symptoms, such as headaches, and ask them to lift the curse.

Some of them could heal, which then spread rumors about their magic and dark power.

They use a mixture of salt, coal and water and will rub it on the forehead of the affected person before removing contaminated water at the crossroads.

The next person who was said to walk across an intersection was believed to be infected by a curse.

Even though Masciare is said to no longer exist - or live in the village - many worry that their strength still exists.

And only a few brave souls will talk about this woman in Colobraro, and even fewer talk about it when there is no sunlight shining on the village.

There are also stories of strange things happening to people in the village, which seem impossible to explain with drugs or magic.

There are unconfirmed reports of babies born with two hearts or three lungs.

Strange landslides and strange car accidents are also said to disturb Colobraro - but the curse does not affect everyone.

Only those who visited the village were believed to be vulnerable to the terrible consequences of Colobraro's bad luck.

Elena di Napoli said, "Of course, given my ancestors, I am immune to curses.

"These scary things only happen to people who come here for the first time in their lives and who believe in signs."

Others dismissed the curse as making it up and insisted the lights fall on Biagio Virgilio's words because they were not installed correctly.

Local resident Matteo told the BBC, "Don Biagio Virgilio? Of course, I remember him! Misfortune? People making it up. He didn't bring bad luck.

"When something happens to an outsider in their car, maybe they are stranded or a flat tire or engine breaks down, they blame the village."

However, that did not stop population Colobraro made use of the curse rumor.

Every year they hold street shows to celebrate the history of their home town's fear.

In August, a visitor flock to Colobraro to see a show featuring witches, masciare and werewolves.

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