Zombies- My entry for CONTEST: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - 5/21/2021

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)


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Prompt is provided by pixabay

I see the crowd of people walking passing through a street, walking like zombies aimlessly, looking for brains having their own empty, they are no longer me, citizens exiled from themselves, living your own inner pandemic.

Much silence and complicity, people in great need, and all in quarantine.

Living is no longer the same as yesterday, where a flower could smell in the company of your soul.

Now your being has left you, and you are no longer the same, that you went to the market to drink coffee, see the butterflies and laugh.

The cheese was damaged, just like your brain.

You got into the street that has no return, a street where you don't see the end, and each time it lengthens more, full of people and noise.

And you only have faith in tomorrow attending the church of those who have no brain.


I invite @sacra97 @mllg @carolinacardoza @gracieux to participate


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This work is under a License Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.


A very good text, dear @reinaldo verdu
Thanks for the mention

Thank you, I hope you participate. Here we continue, with our stories and our way of seeing the world.


A good text to think over. Especially the last sentence

And you only have faith in tomorrow attending the church of those who have no brain.

The daily reality, which punches us in the face, but they continue to attend, doing the same and hoping to obtain different results.

It might be frustrating but should not each individual beliefs, thoughts or faith deserves to be respected? We cannot judge them on what they think will keep them safe and the same goes for us.

Yes, but when I speak of my opinion or beliefs about these issues, then if I am labeled a "bad person" or as unpleasant.

I start from the point that if someone talks about God and I believe in zombies, I can express my belief towards that, without having to put that label on me, because that is what I see very badly. And that's what usually happens, it's okay to talk about God, but when you talk about zombies, then it's wrong :)

Not labelling, just exchanging thoughts.

Thank you for joining us with this thought, the feelings (of the pandemic)

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