Black Sheep - My 5 minutes freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago


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Prompt: black sheep

I have always been seen by all people as the black sheep, or at least they have made me feel that way.

And I base it on the fact that almost always people seek to highlight the mistakes that I have made, but never the positive things that I have done.

I suppose that is part of human nature, creating noise with negative things is a morbid pleasure that in my years of experience I have seen that human beings have.

I know I have made many mistakes in my life, but I have been correcting them, and currently I am a good person, aware of others and trying to support those around me.

That feeling of being pointed out negatively is a form of bullying, of repressing a person and making them feel frustrated, and of course that brings depression and many conflicts. I have already reviewed it many times with my Psychologist.

The important thing about all this is to be able to overcome it, get ahead and understand that a Black Sheep can transform into a White one, be better and help others, and we all have that ability.

I am demonstrating it to you, exposing what happened to me and what now ceases to be: a black sheep.


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 3 years ago (edited)

An upvote for a read. I wish you all the best.

 3 years ago (edited)

Boundin' - Pixar

"I think you have a pink kink in your think"

An upvote for a read. I wish you all the best.

La unica manera de avanzar es cometiendo errores y luego rectificarlos. Nunca un diamante llego a manos de un comprador sin antes haber pasado por las manos especializadas del tallista quien logra darle el toque final. Felicitaciones por tu escrito.

this is awesome, yes someday the black sheep would not only become a white sheep but shall become the whitest of them all

It's like this my friend, the positive is transforming the bad into something useful and positive, I work on that every day :)

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