A Tale of Sudden Onset Sovereignty

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

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"I find it very disturbing that these have made it into my sock drawer".

Her heart fluttered at his words. He had noticed her.

"My lord, I have always been diligent about leaving your socks all in a muddle, in the basket, and at the foot of your bed, but our newest chambermaid saw fit to sort them, fold them and place them in your sock drawer."

They stood and looked at each other a moment, he aghast at the impertinence, she aghast at the loss of all reason in the household. Perhaps it was time to find another job.

He slumped a bit, the air gone out of his lungs. He had suddenly seen clearly his constant denial of the evidence of his own eyes, and felt the effort it took to align his beliefs to whatever was presented as truth on the telly.

She could see the moment when the light bulb went on in his brain, the light that banished darkness, and rot, illuminating to her duke the possibility of his having his very own original thoughts.

The tide was turning and she was glad.

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This is my entry to @mariannes's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is disturbing and who among us does not have a thing or two to add to the blockchain about that?

I've been silent in @freewritehouse for some time. I thought I had lost the gift of letting my mind go, writing freely, and trusting that something both true and tangible would appear. It's a trip people, just give it a go, you will be amazed at what you write.

I did the above freewrite, from start to proofread and publishable form, in exactly five minutes (addendum: I just crossed a few more t's and dotted a couple i's). Had I been using #themostdangerouswritingapp, I would have beat it!!!! (no longer quite true).

Then of course I spent at least another hour getting the whole package into publishable form.

@cliffagreen is sponsoring some generous prizes for participation in this contest (too late for this week, this is really a link to the big prize winners! watch for it next week!!!), so come join in the fun and make as much as 5 steem doing it!

Anyway, I don't know what you all think, but I am happy with this freewrite. I will be by to read and support all of yours for the upcoming week, and will choose my own favorite to nominate. I finally have a 100% upvote that is not dust!!!

by @thekittygirl

the peace symbol image is mine


Hopefully the tide turns to love. I think the story points us in the direction of the duke's original thought turning to loving his servant. Or at least that's what she would like. The story requires a careful read, but it is cohesive. I mean it doesn't contradict itself; I have that problem with my freewrites, I feel; my mind doesn't want to hold to the same theme or thread.

Everything I have written the past two or three months has been on the same theme - the awakening of the zombies now walking the earth, and out finding that our true powers are rooted in love. I really thought this was going to be different, but here it is again.

She thinks he's an idiot, and he is. But by the end of the story, the absurdity of his notions and how they come to be (to not sort fold and put socks in a sock drawer was told to him by his telly), finally becomes clear to him and he can now think for himself, zombie no more. She's never been a zombie, just tolerating them because they pay her to. But the moment she has been waiting for, that moment when the zombies start to think for themselves, has come by the end of my little story. She doesn't love him at all. Although I did not know that at the time I started writing. I didn't know anything!!! Love freewriting.

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