Thankuni Leaf

in Freewriters4 years ago

This thankuni leaf is a medicinal plant rich in medicinal properties. All the people of rural Bengal know this page. Conscious people of the city are attached to the balcony tub, on the roof of the house, for its quality.




Las hojas de Thankuni se usan de muchas maneras. En el pueblo se encuentra en varios lugares cerca de carreteras, a través de estanques, cerca de tierras.

Thankuni leaves are used in many ways. In the village it is found in various places near roads, across ponds, near lands. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Its leaves are green. The leaves are small. This tree is evergreen. Is creeping. The branches are thin.



Las hojas Thankuni tienen muchas cualidades. Muchos de nosotros tenemos llagas en la cara y la medicina para las llagas en la cara no es como las hojas Thankuni. El jugo de la hoja Thankuni es muy útil para las heridas. El resfriado leve no es una medicina.

Thankuni leaves have many qualities. Many of us have sores on our face and the medicine for sores on our face is not like thankuni leaves. Thankuni leaf juice is very useful for wounds. Mild cold is not a medicine. Thankuni leaf juice will cure you very soon. And there is no jury of thankuni leaf juice for stomach ailments. Thankuni leaves are mashed and eaten in large quantities. Thankuni leaf juice enhances memory. Drinking thankuni leaf juice every morning will increase our memory.



Even if you have diarrhea, if you drink the juice of thankuni leaves in the morning and in the afternoon, you will get diarrhea. If you have a dry cough in the throat, you can easily reduce the cough by drinking the juice of thankuni leaves with honey.


Even if you have a sore throat in the cold, you can eat it with honey. The juice of thankuni leaves will also reduce the sore throat. Such a beneficial herbal plant is next to us.

Incluso si tiene dolor de garganta en el frío, puede comerlo con miel. El jugo de las hojas Thankuni también reducirá el dolor de garganta. Una planta herbal tan beneficiosa está a nuestro lado.



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Hello. It is an indigenous plant. In Venezuela, my country, we know it as centella asiática.

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