Getting Lost (Friday Prompt)

in Freewritersyesterday (edited)


I am down and out to nowhere to go
Feeling so low below to the ground
I ran to the rooftop to lessen
The burden of my heart that hurt me too
I am getting out of control
Tears are unstoppable for I dont know reason

I am really getting lost out of my focus
I am thinking of losing out my sight
The visibility of my goal became blurry
I have no shoulder to cry on
My fate and faith for someone vanish like a smoke goes up and gone*

I am getting out of my control
I tried to be a better person better than the rest
But things are getting worst
When no one to lean on and to cry on
They are gone, getting lost made me in pain

How I wish to recover the old version of myself,
A woman who fight with a strong determination in life
Life that is fruitful not for myself
But to all those who are getting lost
I believe once I lost, I can regain my post

Thank you those who support me especially the encouragement of @wakeupkitty

Note: I am also powering up all the earning coming in my wallet.

Original post by : Nay Deevi(@olivia08)

 9 hours ago 

Fate and Faith... let's try to ignore those feelings for a while and take baby steps..
Surving the next 10 minutes or an hour is fast enough. Try to focus on doing 3 kind things for you and yes a cup of hot tea, reading in peace, sleeping without being disturbed counts.

If there are no fruits thrown in your l lap all you can do is buy them yourselves! There's no need to wat, hope, trust, want someone to give it to you. Pamper yourself dear and enjoy the view.

If it comes to powering up you are CLUB75 now, Congratulations you are doing well..

Let's take a deep breath and have a look at what you wrote! You created something great, you managed to change all those feelings into a piece of art. Well done.

Telling the truth my dear, just too funny

 6 hours ago 

I can also say what isn't true and make something up. Let me know what you like to hear as a freewriter I am very flexible.

I appreciated you and all those who wrote here. I had no self esteem that I can write until this week I tried it. I am poor in writing. I just love telling a story about life experiences.

Theres no harm in trying and making new things and mindset rather than thinking of all pain that I have in life . I think writing help my mind active so I try this way and thank you for backing me once again.

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