The Pact of the Lost

in Freewriters2 months ago


Once upon a time there was an old book bound with human skin on the dusty shelves of a small town library. No one knows how it got there or who wrote it, but its presence is disturbing. The villagers did not dare touch it for fear of the legends surrounding its origins.

The book has no title on the cover and has another logo in gold letters. The leaves are yellow and wilted, and the air fills with a musty smell as soon as you approach. However, there was something mysterious about her appearance that attracted him like a moth to a flame.

One day a young man named Daniel decided to study this wonderful book. He sat in the darkness of the library, accompanied by lights, and began to read. The words seemed to dance in his eyes, creating images in his mind. The book talks about ancient traditions, agreements with black people and secrets that should not be revealed.

Daniel continued speaking, feeling uneasy in his heart. A voice seemed to whisper in his ear, promising forbidden knowledge and incomparable power. He couldn't take his eyes off the book and lost interest.

It had been a long night for Daniel. He was immersed in books and forgot about the outside world. His skin was pale and his eyes were sunken. The villagers began to notice his strange behavior, but no one dared to approach the book.

One night, Daniel lost everything. The villagers searched for him but could not find him. The only book left in the library was down to the last page. It said, "To go, you need to find another reader willing to take your place."

From that moment on, the book continued to fascinate laymen. The readers were influenced by him one by one and disappeared without a trace. News of the Dead Book spread throughout the city and the library was abandoned.

It is said that the book awaits its next reader, hungry for souls and eager to share the dark secrets of it. When you meet him, you must be careful. Not all information is correct and some books should be closed forever.


So the book does not set the reader free once a new reader shows up.


A great story! I enjoyed reading it.

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