Day 835: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: a long white beard

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Sunday prompt long white bread hosted by @mariannewest

I wonder what happens to hair after we get a few years on us. I guess it is not necessarily age but in most cases it is. I had a friend who turned all grey at age 16 and by the time she was in her fifties she was white as snow. I started getting grey in my forties and so did my husband.

I have been with my husband for 37 years and I have never seen him without a beard. His beard was black and he always kept it short. In this picture, he is holding two freshwater catfish that he caught up the creek.


Now he has a long white beard which he does not want me to trim short like he used to like it. He now likes it to stay long. I cut it when our daughter got married and he kept saying, that's enough, don't take any more off, and I would cut a little more. I just wanted him to look nice for the wedding. Which he did.


No fishing today, bad weather. The way we are getting these cold fronts, the water temperature in the river is dropping, I am afraid we will need to travel south to catch anything, that is if the wind will lay down. We might get to fish a day or two before the next cold front hits, I am not sure about this but I can always hope.


Ben Stone of @badquakerdotcom has said he used to trim his beard and cut his hair, but it just kept growing back no matter what, so he eventually gave up and let his hair just form its natural shape on its own.

@jacobtothe He sounds like my husband, I have to just about tie him down so I can give him a beard and haircut and the whole time him telling me that is enough. lol

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That's an awesome beard! I love the photos, too. Good luck on the fishing.

That's an awesome beard!
I love the photos, too. Good
Luck on the fishing.

                 - wandrnrose7

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

@wandrnrose Thank you, still no fishing today, maybe tomorrow.

Wow -- that is a VERY impressive beard ... and you both have a lovely daughter, too!

@deeanndmathews I would not know him without the beard, and thank you we think she is beautiful.

Well he's come right back into fashion. It seems men have stopped shaving altogether. I rarely see a man these days without a beard.

@deirdyweirdy Yes he is. Our daughter says her Dad rocked a beard before beards were the style. lol

Nice shots. Congrats @myjob.

Always to order, I'm glad to share these moments.

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