Day 826: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: fish fillet

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Friday prompt fish fillet hosted by @mariannewest

When I think of fish fillet I can not help to think how either the consumers or the fishermen maybe even both are being ripped off. The fishermen spend hours to catch the fish, they bring them to the fish house, weigh them and pack in a tote with ice. The fish house puts them on a truck and they get shipped to restaurants and retail markets. we are catching pompano right now and we get 5.75 a pound, the retail market sells the fish fillets for 19.99 a pound. If you get a fish dinner at the restaurant it will cost 40.00 or more. Roe mullet have been running and the fishermen are getting .80cent for the red roe mullet and .10 cent for the white. The red roe is shipped overseas where they pay 1000's of dollars an ounce for it, I do not know what they do with the fish after taking the roe out, the white roe mullet there is no market for the roe but the fish is still good to eat and the fishermen get 10 cents a pound, when they get to the Fulton Market in NYC they are 10 dollars a pound. The fishermen can feed 75 to 100 people and get 10 dollars the market can feed the same amount and make a grand.

I wonder how many fish fillets have been eaten that I caught. It has to be hundreds of thousands and that makes me feel good that I have given the people who like to eat fish but can't fish either from health or not knowing how a chance to eat good fresh seafood, not something that was raised in a pond and has no flavor. it also makes me sad when I think of the amount of fish I have killed, then I think fish are there for us to eat and with the right management and good habitat, there will be a healthy stock. Fish do not live that long and it is better to harvest them for food and have closed seasons for the stock to replenish.

One of my trout catches from last summer, they make nice fish fillets



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That prompt was right up your alley! It is a pity the fisherman makes so little money compared to folks on down the line. I think the same is true for farmers.

@scribblingramma yes farmers are in the same boat as fishermen, I guess you could say anyone who works at the bottom of the ladder gets less, the carpenters who build the house get less than their boss, he gets less than the one that sells the house and so forth, that is how the world is. It is a shame.

The same thing happens in Nigeria too. Those who produce it get small cut of there works while the packaging guys gets the whole chunk of the profit.

Am here to deliver the weekend Freewrite Prompt.

A single one to mingle
Three in one,
take them one by one

Do have a beautiful weekend.

@botefarm I think it is like that everywhere if the dealers ever tried to catch fish for a living they might pay more but I doubt that will ever happen. Thank you for the prompt. Now I have to decide what to write about. ummm

Well written @myjob, and this really was your kind of prompt, thanks for laying out the numbers on what the fish cost in different points to the customer, let's hope the fishermen and women get a bigger cut, keep up your great work, it's awesome.

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@thisisawesome Thank you, but I am afraid if they pay us more for the fish it will cost the consumers more. It is not about what is right it is about how much money can they save by paying low and selling high. The world is not right, it should not be about money it should be about helping one another.

Thanks @myjob, yeah you are absolutely right there, keep up your awesome work.

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