Spade | 5 Minutes Write - Bilingual (EN-IN)

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

All eyes were on Ben The Raven. They were waiting and wondering what cards the young man was holding because he had just thrown away a curly ace.

Meanwhile, Jack was sitting in the corner, covering his face with a cowboy hat, and his chin slightly pressed against his chest. He turned the canister of his revolver, indicating that he was keeping an eye on the game.

"Quickly open your card!" snapped Mantis, a skinny man with a back protruding like a grasshopper.

"Yeah, open your cards, you don't play with us," George supported Mantis.

"Relax George, I think bad luck is happening to him right now. Look at his face, the card in his hand right now must be a disaster," Bradlee interceded for the two brothers.

Half an hour ago, the Breremian brothers felt harassed by Ben The Raven. The young man admitted that he was able to play cards better than them.

Now, old Rocky's saloon became a life-and-death battleground for the young boy. The eldest of four brothers was now sitting in the corner with a revolver that could explode at him any time if his cards were of lesser value.

"Calm down friends, let me play first," said Ben The Raven, although in his heart he began to feel nervous and pessimistic about the cards in his hand.

"Huh, I think you're starting to get scared. You should know who you're dealing with," Mantis interrupted.

"Hey, hey, please, just let me think for a second, I didn't come here with bullshit," he replied, "I really can't think at all right now if you guys are fussing and bothering me," he added, with a slightly annoyed face because felt sobs at the ramblings of the Breremian brothers.

Every now and then, Ben The Raven's eyes stared at Jack. The man was still sitting there, with the bullet tube still spinning from time to time.

"Okay!" suddenly the young man got up, showing a face like someone who had just fallen sustenance from the sky.

"Ha-ha-ha," he laughed now, "you're done!" he continued as he got up from his seat, walked over to the bar attendant's table, and asked for a glass of whiskey.

"I'll let you guys see my cards for yourself, take a look!" he pointed to the three cards face down in front of the three Breremian brothers.

The three Breremian brothers looked at each other. Jack in the corner lifted the hem of his hat so he could see what was going on.

Hesitantly, Mantis opened the card. The two brothers came closer.

"F*ck!" Mantis shouted with a slightly high tone and wide eyes.

"Why?" Bradley was curious.

"He tricked us, this is the worst card I've ever seen! said Mantis.

"Hold him George," said Bradlee.

Bradlee immediately pulled his revolver from its holster, followed by George too, but Ben The Raven was already prepared with the revolver that had exploded first. His targets weren't George and Bradlee, it was Jack over there in the corner.

"Jack!" Mantis sees his brother fall down with a bullet lodged in his chest.

"Bastard!" shrieked George and Bradlee at the same time and immediately pointed the gun at Ben The Raven.

"Pop! Pop! Pop!" three shots left George and Bradlee down.

Seeing his three brothers, Mantis immediately threw away the gun and then raised both hands. He gave up.

"Okay, okay, you've sent my brothers to hell, now let me live to bury them," Mantis said to Ben The Raven.

"No, no, hey, man, you just said my cards are the worst cards you've ever seen, are you?" Ben The Raven came to the table and took the cards.

Now in his hand there are three cards. He takes turns rearranging the cards, but the order of numbers shown remains the same.

"Look, the spade with the number 666. You know, in an old prose from the lost tribe, the spade is a symbol of death while 666 if seen by three people at the same time, they will die," explained him.

"Damn you, how did you know that?"

"From 5 minutes of writing."

In Indonesian

Semua mata tertuju kepada Ben The Raven. Mereka sedang menunggu serta bertanya-tanya kartu apa yang dipegang oleh pemuda itu karena ia baru saja membuang kartu As keriting.

Sementara itu, Jack duduk di sudut, menutupi wajah dengan topi koboi, serta dagu yang agak didempetkan ke dada. Sesekali ia memutar tabung peluru revolvernya, menandakan bahwa dirinya tetap mengawasi permainan.

"Cepat buka kartumu!" bentak Mantis, pria ceking yang memiliiki punggung yang menganjur seperti belalang.

"Ya, buka kartumu, kau jangan mempermainkan kami," George mendukung Mantis.

"Tenang George, kurasa nasib buruk sedang menimpanya saat ini. Lihatlah wajahnya, kartu yang ada di tangannya saat ini pasti malapetaka," Bradlee menengahi kedua saudaranya.

Setengah jam yang lalu, Breremian bersaudara merasa dilecehkan oleh Ben The Raven. Pemuda itu mengaku bahwa dirinya mampu bermain kartu lebih baik dari mereka.

Kini, bar milik si tua Rocky menjadi lapangan pertempuran hidup dan mati bagi anak muda itu. Lelaki tertua dari empat bersaudara kini duduk di sudut dengan revolver yang bisa meletus setiap waktu apabila kartu miliknya bernilai lebih rendah.

"Tenanglah teman-teman, biarkan aku bermain dengan damai dulu," ucap Ben The Raven, meskipun di dalam hati ia mulai merasa gentar dan pesimis dengan kartu yang ada di tangannya.

"Huh, kurasa kau sudah mulai ketakutan. Kau harusnya sadar sedang berhadapan dengan siapa," potong Mantis.

"Hei, hei, kumohon, biarkan aku berpikir sejenak, aku tidak datang ke sini dengan omong kosong," balasnya, "aku benar-benar tidak bisa berpikir tenang saat ini jika kalian ribut serta menggangguku," tambahnya, dengan wajah yang sedikit kesal karena merasa terisak dengan ocehan Breremian bersaudara.

Sesekali mata Ben The Raven menatap ke arah Jack. Lelaki itu masih terduduk di sana, dengan tabung peluru yang sesekali masih diputar.

"Baiklah!" tiba-tiba anak muda itu bangkit, menunjukkan wajah seperti orang yang baru saja kejatuhan rezeki dari langit.

"Ha-ha-ha," kini ia malah tertawa, "tamatlah kalian!" lanjutnya lagi sambil beranjak dari tempat duduk, menuju ke arah meja pramutama bar, lalu meminta segelas wiski.

"Aku akan biarkan kalian yang melihat sendiri kartuku, lihatlah!" ia menunjuk ke tiga lembar kartu yang tertelungkup di depan tiga Breremian bersaudara.

Ketiga Breremian bersaudara saling pandang satu sama lain. Jack yang ada di sudut sana menaikkan ujung topinya agar ia bisa melihat apa yang terjadi.

Dengan ragu-ragu, Mantis membuka kartu tersebut. Kedua saudaranya ikut mendekat.

"Bangsat!" ujar Mantis dengan nada agak tinggi serta mata yang terbelalak.

"Kenapa?" Bradlee penasaran.

"Dia menipu kita, ini adalah kartu terburuk yang pernah ku lihat! kata Mantis.

"Tahan dia George," kata Bradlee.

Bradlee segera menarik revolver miliknya dari sarung, diikuti oleh George pula, namun Ben The Raven sudah dari tadi bersiap dengan revolver yang telah lebih dulu meledak. Sasarannya bukan George dan Bradlee, tetapi Jack yang ada di sudut sana.

"Jack!" teriak Mantis, demi melihat abangnya tersungkur jatuh dengan peluru yang bersarang di dada.

"Bajingan!" pekik George dan Bradlee secara bersamaan dan segera mengarahkan pistol ke arah Ben The Raven.

"Pop! pop! pop!" tiga kali tembakan membuat George dan Bradlee lumpuh.

Melihat ketiga saudaranya, Mantis langsung membuang pistol kemudian mengangkat kedua tangan. Ia menyerah.

"Baik, baiklah, kau telah mengirim saudara-saudaraku ke neraka, kini biarkan aku hidup untuk menguburkan mereka," ujar Mantis kepada Ben The Raven.

"Tidak, tidak, hei, kawan, barusan kau mengatakan bahwa kartuku adalah kartu terburuk yang pernah kau lihat, benarkah itu?," Ben The Raven mendatangi meja kemudian mengambil kartu-kartu tersebut.

Kini di tangannya terdapat tiga lembar kartu. Ia secara bergantian menyusun kembali kartu-kartu tersebut, tetapi susunan angka yang diperlihatkan tetap sama.

"Lihat, sekop dengan susunan angka 666. Kau tahu, dalam sebuah prosa tua dari suku yang hilang, sekop merupakan lambang kematian sementara 666 jika dilihat oleh tiga orang secara bersamaan, maka mereka akan mati," jelasnya.

"Sialan kau, dari mana kau tahu itu?"

"Dari 5 menit menulis."

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