CONTEST: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - 6/4/2021

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

This picture shows a lady (let's call her Hellen) entangled in problems. She received a letter about an alleged error in her 2019 tax return, and where IRS requested her to pay $1015.25. She knows that their statement is probably erroneous. As a creative person, she hates looking back into tax form. If the sum had been more significant, she could have sought the advice of a tax lawyer. However, an attorney's fee would be much higher than the amount requested by IRS, and she's thinking that maybe it worth just paying it.

Hellen wishes her boyfriend would call her. They recently broke up over some silly issue, and she requested him to leave.

Now she wished him to be here and take care of that nasty IRS request for her. Right now, she wishes to feel his warm helping hand on her shoulder.

However, she wanted him to call her first, apologize and admit that he was wrong. Calling him just like this would be equivalent to losing her face. "No, she won't go for it. Or maybe she should?" She doesn't know. It's torturous.

She also has a problem at her work. She works at the online publishing site, where she leads a popular woman's blog.

However, lately, she experienced stiff competition from another female blogger, who somehow always beat her to the punch. Often, in a roundabout way, the opponent opposed Hellen's judgment and her stand on the subject. Hellen welcomes the fact that modern women are more forcefully declare their presence in the media and even compete with each other. However, she feels that this particular lady is out-competing her, knocking out her footing. Hellen feels helpless, taken advantage of, suppressed. Her thoughts are in disarray.
She is also sorry that a year ago, she had an abortion.

Of course, at the time, she felt it was the right decision, despite her boyfriend begging her to keep the baby. After all, she was a woman, and she had the right to do with her body whatever she wants. However, now, she didn't know if this was the right decision. Now she wishes she'd have this warm smiley creature to keep her company and to have the reason to live and work.

Last night she had a nightmare. In that scary dream, she was going through the dark forest when suddenly the tree branches started to entangling her, sucking the very life out of her. She tried to run and somehow defend herself from this greedy embrace but couldn't. Eventually, they sipped some much life energy out of her that only her outer shell left. Hellen tried to wake up but couldn't.


I didn't count with that nightmare!

Thank you!

I don't think I understand. What didn't you count?

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