The life is not without risks - Freewrite 5 minutes

in Freewriters3 years ago

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Theme: Life is not without risks

"Life is not without risks" said the ad in the newspaper that caught my attention, it was from an insurance company, announcing with images a strong car accident.

It is interesting because these companies hire advertising agencies that use curiosity to get the public's attention and get people to look at their ad. The average human being is struck by this type of thing, everything prohibited, accidents, blood, violence, and I find that very worrying, because it leaves a lot to say as a human race. And of course these great capitalists use that factor in their favor to sell us their products, subliminally that message remains engraved in our subconscious and we are inclined to create a favorable idea of that company that the advertisement shows us, because we immediately associate the images with a message that this company cares about its clients, when in reality what they are interested in is selling us the insurance policy.

I guess average people don't realize these things and go shopping, sheep that are led by the same herd. Not me, I go at my own pace, with my principles, my ideas, my hobbies about cars and other hobbies, and so my days go by, writing my freewrites and not being fooled by those advertisements, because in life there are many risks.


Note: This story is a figment of my imagination, written for the daily freewrite initiative.


I hope you enjoyed it.



I go my way too. If you spread enough fear you will always find people willing to buy your product even if it is (like we call it) fried air.

Yes, the manipulation is very great, they almost force you to buy what they want.

It helps a lot if you have no money to spend 😆

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