My entry for the call for @mariannewest | Day 1200: 5 minutes of free writing: Tuesday - Warning: emerald eyes | 5 minutos de escritura libre: martes Ojos esmeralda

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)


You say "Emerald Eyes" and I thought of an actor, Robert Powell.

This green-eyed man played Jesus Christ in Franco Zeffirelli's film "Jesus of Nazareth."

Yes, I know, the Jesus in the movie had blue eyes, right? Well no, this actor had to "stop blinking" in the shots in which the director focused his gaze to achieve the effect of blue eyes, because that was what the magazines of the time had.

now. however in the most painful scenes his green eyes are seen.

I really imagine Jesus who was a carpenter with much more body than Zeffirelli's "Jesus", the carpenters of the time exerted a lot of physical effort, besides being from the Middle East, Jesus must have had darker skin, with respect to the eyes ...

I've seen pictures of Middle Eastern people with beautiful green eyes, a piercing green. An emerald green.

Dices "Ojos verdes" y pensé en un actor, Robert Powell.

Este hombre de ojos verdes interpretó a Jesucristo en la película de Franco Zeffirelli "Jesús de Nazaret".

Sí, lo sé, el Jesús de la película tenía ojos azules, ¿verdad? Pues no, este actor tuvo que "dejar de parpadear" en los planos en los que el director enfocaba su mirada para lograr el efecto de ojos azules, porque eso era lo que tenían las revistas de la época.

Sin embargo en las escenas más dolorosas se ven sus ojos verdes.

Realmente me imagino a Jesús, que era un carpintero, con mucho más cuerpo que el "Jesús" de Zeffirelli, los carpinteros de la época ejercían mucho esfuerzo físico, además de ser de Oriente Medio, Jesús debió tener la piel más oscura, con respecto a los ojos...

He visto fotos de personas del Medio Oriente con hermosos ojos verdes, un verde penetrante. Un verde esmeralda.

This is my entry for the call for @mariannewest Day 1200: 5 minutes of free writing: Tuesday - Warning: emerald eyes
If you want to join for the daily free writing of 5 minutes check the profile of @mariannewest has a new message every day.

Esta es mi entrada para la convocatoria de @mariannewest Día 1200: 5 minutos de escritura gratuita: martes - Advertencia: ojos esmeralda
Si desea unirse a la escritura diaria gratuita de 5 minutos, consulte el perfil de @mariannewest tiene un mensaje nuevo todos los días.


Greeting from @fun-game

I have something to discuss with you. Would love to hear from you

Thank You.

Absolutely. Jesus looked nothing like Western images of him. Good use of the prompt!

THANKS! It is an honor for me to receive your comment, I appreciate it very much, happy and long life.

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