Day 1353: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: social

in Freewriters3 years ago

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The Freewrite House is up and running again thanks to @wakeupkitty

Please participate in our contests. The Recommend Your Favorite Freewrite is easy for you. Please, all of you, give it a go!

We are always looking for more volunteers. Your participation could be as simple as committing upvotes for the participants or as involved as running a contest.

Delegations and sponsorships are highly appreciated as well.

Check the @freewritehouse for fun contests

Prompt: social

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes
  • Start writing
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.

Since our Freewrite community is growing, we decided to revive our Freewrite Discord for Freewriters to hang out, talk to each other, and have some fun. I am offering the Freewrite Prompt on several platforms - not everyone is going to be on Hive.
Here is your invite



Contest by Friends of the Freewriters

If you are running a contest you want to be listed here, let me know.

Writing help

  • A free app: Grammarly. A lot of us are not native English speakers and I am finding it a helpful app. It will underline spelling and grammar mistakes. Just remember that is is not always right -especially if you use complex sentence structures. Here is the link

  • Remember The Most Dangerous Writing App. You set the time - 5 min - and start typing. Don’t stop!!! It will destroy what you wrote if you stop for more than 3 seconds - and backspace does not count as writing on the app. If you are prone to stop and think - this app forces you to keep going. You can make corrections after the 5 minutes are over.

  • A timer. Egg timer is a free tool you can use on your desktop to set a time. This is useful for our freewrites or if you want to work in blocks of time and then take a break. Here is the link

  • I found this app through @emwalker. Use it regularly and it will help you type faster and more accurately. [10 fast fingers](

I have a favor to ask. If you are on YouTube, can you please subscribe to my Sustainable Living Podcast channel. I am not asking you to watch, just to subscribe. I want to be able to do live Yoga classes and need more subscribers before I can access that function.

Happy Writing.png


Hello @mariannewest! My entry is this.

One of the components of the world is social relationships, they are not easy to practice, we find all kinds of personalities with whom at any given moment we have to interact, community neighbors, co-workers, study groups, friends and family.

We are all part of the society in which we live and it is necessary to share with everyone, we cannot live isolated in this world because we all need each other.

The seller needs his customers, the sellers' customers, I need friends and family, friends and family need me, it is a necessary circle of relationships, whether I like it or not.

It is difficult to deal with people who, although it is not their intention, have a way of saying things in a slightly elevated tone, give the impression that they are people with a short temper and who mistreat others, it is possible that this is their personality and it may not be your intention.

But there is also the social part that aims to help others, the most needy, homeless men and women, children from poor homes, orphanages, the sick in hospitals.

Kind-hearted people coming together in non-profit associations to bring a little joy and momentarily meet the need of these people in need. This is social action.

Some people who are very skilled with social relationships know a lot of people, they always carry out social activities on behalf of the less favored.

Society is this humanity in which we live, as long as man is willing to change the way he thinks and acts, we can achieve a better society and acts of social charity.


#freewrite #steemexclusive #betterlife #life #writing #thealliance #creativewriting #story

"Hey, girl! You're getting social!" Said Sara, a black, great looking woman in a long dress at a party to a petite, pale-skinned young girl. The teenager looked like a light version of a goth. She claimed it was actually called "emo". A quick, awkward conversation followed, but little Bella walked off. Sara shrugged, turning to other guests in the party.

Up in her room, Bella dove on her pillow and started crying. She couldn't understand those people. How could they live as if there were nothing wrong in the world? People must be sadistic, she thought. Wiping her tears, she closed the curtains, embraced the ice cream bowl brought along, and later lied down for one more long, restless night.

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