Karma: Is It All About Doing Good?

in Freewriters3 years ago


Today, let's talk about “Karma”. What is karma? Does something like karma exit? There might be many questions going on in your mind. Right? And, I think there are many assumptions or wrong beliefs people have due to a lack of proper study or generational knowledge.

The concept of Karma is not a new theory or law; it has been there since ancient times. And, recently we have been hearing about it repeatedly. Different people have different sayings, like, “Karma sees it all”, “Karma is a bitch”, “Do good and build good karma”. Hmm.. Yeah! If we do good, good will eventually happen… like every action has an equal and opposite reaction. But, doing good with a good intention is different than doing good with the intention of wanting good; this is something many people are confused about. In the former one, you are simply doing actions without any expectations. And, in the latter one, your expectations are making you do the actions. This is a simple concept which has been misunderstood and misinterpreted just by the “wants” of people that never die.

Karma is not only based on your actions; it is also based on your thoughts and intentions. Basically, in simple terms, if I explain what karma is, it is all about intentions. For example: One group of people is donating to needy ones because they want to help and serve the people the best they can. And, another group of people is donating to needy ones and publishing it all over social media and press, to gain appreciation from people. Here, we can clearly note that two different groups of people are donating to the needy ones, but both groups will generate different karma, according to their intentions.

Note: We can’t say for sure what actions will generate good or bad karma; sometimes things can get tricky to figure out in this regard. But, if your intention and heart are pure, surely you are going to do good and generate good karma. Before ending this article, I would like to say that, even if something in your life turned out really bad, that doesn't mean it’s all because of your bad karma. Maybe it just happened to teach you some lesson in life. But, how you react to that situation might affect your karma.

So, be wise and keep doing good. :))

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