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RE: Santiago Kent

in Freewriters29 days ago

(All he wanted was to be 24/7 With the one he called the love of his life ) ¿So what time did he work? If he doesn't work he can't ask her out. Women deserve to be pampered and cared for, but if a man doesn't have time to earn money, a woman gets bored hahaha. A man who is NOT attentive to detail is not liked by a woman, and a man who spends that much time with a woman goes crazy hahahaha.

 28 days ago (edited)

Ha, in this case the man is that colourful stray cat you see. Doesn't he look colourful to you?
Where could he take her out? The garbage bin perhaps 🤔

It depends on the details the man is focused on. Saying: Did you gain 20 pounds over night is too much. Asking: did you dye your hair if she washed it can take you into trouble, so does "Girl you look great" after a sleepless night or on a bad hairday. 😂

I like sweet men, sweet to me of course if it comes to it I don't care how he acts against others.

I think we all deserve to be pampered and if he hasn't time to work because he's busy pampering me, there's no way I get bored.

Just long enough @lupega and you won't be bored if you are pampered by a kitty cat! Let alone get crazy.

You can have this one and keep the women away from you. 👇😉

hahahahaha,I understood the metaphor of love perfectly, I just wanted to make a joke with you, I see that it does NOT bother you. After all being in love is similar to being sick, the desire to eat disappears, possibly the idea of ​​the metaverse arises from looking at two lovers, always on another planet.
I wish you a happy start to the week.
I will continue joking with you, but with a lot of respect

 25 days ago 

If being in love is the same as being sick and stands for skipping meals you just cracked the dilemma of hungry tummies. If everyone loves there's no lack, no need to eat, no death because of famine.

Keep joking and brighting up the place, you made my day!


 25 days ago 

Thank you @soulfuldreamer! It's nice, interesting but also confusing to see you use the same picture as I do for many weeks for my "Art & Writing" entries.

I hope people will not start thinking that we are the same.

I wish you a great day.

Oh really....

Didn't realise. Let me see what could be done

 25 days ago 

It doesn't matter if you confirm here we are not the same. 🍀❤️

Yes we are are not the same.

And to avoid more confusion, I have made a new template for our team.


 25 days ago 

Thank you dear 🍀❤️

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