Day 1308: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: what came before| ...lo que vino antes|...

in Freewriters3 years ago



Siempre me pasaba planeando lo que iba hacer, lo que quería lograr, sacaba cuenta de las cosas, calculaba y todo lo hacía medido, creía tener todo controlado, a la perfección, no me gustaba improvisar, si las cosas no estaban planeadas no lo hacía, si se presentaba algo, me negaba por que no estaba en mis planes.

Veía el pasado y de acuerdo a eso, empezaba a crear mi futuro, mi mente, corazón y alma, miraban lejos, algo que no existía, yo vivía allá no aquí. Podía planear muchas cosas, pero me había olvidado de vivir, y no me daba cuenta que la
vida se me iba sin mirar a mi alrededor.

Tuve oportunidades al frente de mí y no las vi, personas que querían ser parte de mi vida, y no las tomé en cuenta, me perdí el amanecer y me perdí el atardecer, no vi el hermoso sol que salía para calentar mis días, ni vi la luna que ocultaba el sol, pero que irradiaba luz gracias a la fuerza del sol.

No noté las estrellas como alumbraban mi sendero. La sonrisa de un bebé me la perdí por no tener mi mirada aquí. Se me fueron los años, se me fue la juventud pensando en lo que vendría sin darme cuenta en lo que ya aquí estaría.

Pero un día la vida me cambió, lo que vino antes de todo lo que yo tenía planeado fue que mi cuerpo dejó de ser tan fuerte como yo creía, cayó en cama, en un lecho oscuro y sin esperanza, postrado por la enfermedad, sola y sin anhelos, porque pasé la vida anhelando un futuro que no fue como quería.

Gracias a Dios, me pasó todo esto, aprendí a vivir como si fuera el último día. Hoy tengo la fortaleza que viene de Dios, amo la vida, vivo con esperanza, pase lo que pase, todo es una bendición y para mi bien. Valoro a la gente que está alrededor, admiro la grandeza de la naturaleza y mi único anhelo es vivir el hoy.

Gracias a nuestra amiga @mariannewest por este ejercicio tan liberador, relajante y motivador. Donde en cinco minutos podemos hacer volar nuestra imaginación, activar nuestra creatividad y salir de la rutina en estos momentos algo confusos. Todos cordialmente invitados dejo el enlace. Imágenes gratuitas pixabay con su respectiva fuente. Traductor DeepL.

I always spent planning what I was going to do, what I wanted to achieve, I took account of things, I calculated and everything was measured, I thought I had everything under control, to perfection, I did not like to improvise, if things were not planned I did not do it, if something came up, I refused because it was not in my plans.

I saw the past and according to that, I began to create my future, my mind, heart and soul, looked far away, something that did not exist, I lived there, not here. I could plan many things, but I had forgotten to live, and I did not realize that life was leaving me without looking at me. life was passing me by without looking around me.

I had opportunities in front of me and I did not see them, people who wanted to be part of my life, and I did not take them into account, I missed the sunrise and I missed the sunset, I did not see the beautiful sun rising to warm my days, nor did I see the moon that hid the sun, but radiated light thanks to the strength of the sun.

I did not notice the stars as they lit my path. I missed the smile of a baby because I didn't have my gaze here. I lost my years, I lost my youth thinking of what was to come without realizing that I would already be here.

But one day life changed me, what came before everything I had planned was that my body stopped being as strong as I thought it was, it fell into bed, in a dark and hopeless bed, prostrated by illness, alone and without longing, because I spent my life longing for a future that didn't turn out the way I wanted. Thank God, all this happened to me, I learned to live as if it were the last day. Today I have the strength that comes from God, I love life, I live with hope, whatever happens, everything is a blessing and for my good. I value the people around me, I admire the greatness of nature and my only desire is to live today.

Thanks to our friend @mariannewest for this liberating, relaxing and motivating exercise. Where in five minutes we can let our imagination fly, activate our creativity and get out of the routine in these confusing moments. All cordially invited I leave the linkFree pixabay images with their respective source. Translator DeepL




This reminds me of a show tune you might appreciate, The Stars and the Moon. Very nice!

Thank you very much for stopping by and motivating us with your comment. I will continue to write my five minutes here. I invite you to participate is a nice exercise @owasco.

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