
I'm so sorry to hear you, too, have lost a son, @justclickindiva.
As we age, I think of my dad's comment on growing old and wrinkled and gray: Well, ya don't want to bury babies. not in the normal progression of life is right.
Now I know what I should have written to the prompt "Facelift." Maybe it's not too late.
If it's not assorted medical conditions, it's profound loss that so many of us have in common. Writing is cathartic. It makes sense we who grieve try to transform the pain in fiction. Thank you for sharing this. You already know you're not alone. If i could start a Go Fund Me and could offer up so many days of my life to add to the life of a loved one like yours, we'd have a scary number of people, I'll bet, offering up days to add to the life of someone who left this world too soon.

Hi @carolkean. Thanks so much for your kind words. And your dad was right. My mom suffered the same also as I lost a brother at a young age. I witnessed it tear her apart. Now that I look back, I can see, she never fully recovered. No matter how her family tried to ease her pain. I didn't understand at the time. I never thought I'd experience it. We never do. And we never know if and when it may happen. That's the mystery of life.

You lost a brother AND a son??? That is so horrible. I can understand your mom never being the same again. I hope you've managed to move on more than she did. The pain never goes away. We just learn to live with it. I'm so sorry for all those losses!! They get magnified far beyond losing the person; those who left behind also risk losing themselves, in part, or in whole My friend lost her brother to brain cancer at age 11; 20 years later on the anniversary of that death, her father killed himself, leaving behind a wife, daughters, and an unborn grandchild (he knew this new life was coming). How much can we lose and still go on? Some of us endure, and others end it the way that father did. We cannot understand, and most of us never see it coming...

Thanks @carolkean. I wrote a blog about what I like about myself I posted a short time ago. It was my husband I credit that helped me through these past 48 years. I guess so many people depended on me, I didn't have time to break down. It just kept coming every few years. A person never knows their inner strength until tested. Some make it through; others can't find their way through.

Thanks so much for your engagement and support. Appreciate it. Take care.

This may explain some of the stoicism of my parents:

so many people depended on me, I didn't have time to break down.
Thank heaven for your husband - mine, too, has kept me alive and well.
I'll go find that blog now!

This is unbelievable @justclickindiva. I also lost a brother when I was 15 and he was 5 yrs. old. My mother handed her grief silently as was her custom but I know the pain my parents were in.

I named my son Kevin after my brother and never thought I would go through what my mother did.

Hi @redheadpei. You know there was millions of people who have gone and will go through what you and I experienced. That's why we all are one human beings. No difference. We all laugh, cry, hurt, feel sadness and suffer through difficulties and tragedies. Once a person sheds intolerance and indifference, different beliefs no matter what, we are all the same. If people would only realize this, the world would be a better place.

Thanks so much for your engagement. Continue to feel blessed, prayed upon, and loved. You deserve it. Take care.

I’m so sorry @justclickindiva for your loss. 🤗 💗 My son was also taken at the prime of life at 35. He never had any children.

I feel your pain and wonder if it was something you needed that prompted me to open up about my son today.

One thing that I firmly believe is we have only so much time on this earth and nothing we can do will change the moment when destiny calls. What I’m trying to say is there was really nothing either one of us could have done to change the outcome.

It had to be predestined as I I had premonitions beforehand but kept thinking it must be my father’s passing as he was in his eighties then. On top of that a close cousin phoned me about a month beforehand and said my deceased mother appeared to him and said,

“Find Joanne, she will need you soon.”

He had woken up suddenly and didn’t know if Mother’s appearance was a dream or an apparition. I said she must mean my father is going to pass soon and is preparing me. My mind would not accept it was Kevin.

I do know there is more than the physical body, their spirit lives on and they do not want us to grief too long as it holds them to the earth plane.

Sending you much love and strength across the miles. xoxo

The stories I could tell you about my premonitions. They even scared me when they came to pass. Yes, there is more than the physical life. I firmly believe this for myself.

Returning same to you now and going forward. Take care.

Premonitions and certainty that there is more to this life in a next life - scary as the premonitions must be, I'd love to have the certainty and the awareness but not everyone is allowed this gift (or curse, as some might see it). Have you published - ebooks, blogs outside Steemit? Not long ago people were burned as witches for gifts of healing and seeing... we still have a long way to go in conquering superstition, bias (among science and religion), and every-day judgments from people who think we're weird.
I'm an empath but not a seer, not a clairvoyant or telepath, and all things mystical remain behind that Veil so many can see through.
@katrina-ariel has a few books about this....

Thanks for letting me know. You are indeed a unique person in your abilities. I'll take a look at the books you suggest. No. I've not published anything.

My abilities don't strike me as unique - not like yours do!
#paranormal, magical, mystical - my earliest memories are of searching for fairies and evidence that dolls come to life when we're asleep - but somehow I missed whatever signs may have been there.
I loved books like "The Borrowers" and later, cartoons like Calvin and Hobbes. I cannot bear the idea that Hobbes doesn't really come to life for Calvin. Hobbes lives!!!!

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