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RE: Parents For Sale

in Freewriters5 months ago

Dear Kitty, wow, what situations you had to face during your adolescence! Yours is a testimony of incredible strength and tenacity. Now I understand much more about what I have been fortunate enough to learn about you. I deeply admire how you have transformed past challenges into a solid foundation of courage and determination, not only for yourself but also for your children. Your role as a caring mother who educates her children to be independent, confident, and critical does you honor and increases the high esteem I already have for you. You are a shining example of how one can emerge with strength and self-assurance, despite adversities. Thank you for opening up and sharing your experience; it is not something everyone can do. I admire and respect you greatly. Please consider me a good friend.🌻🌈❤️


Thank you for your kind words. Many can do it but what is the point if you are not believed? But the downside of not mentioning it is that society keeps believing it's fictiin, not real, a Hollywood film, a thriller or cheap horror. Films by the way that do not impress me much. 😉

Take care of yourself, stick to the moon and let me know if you landed back on earth.
Don't worry, you'll see it will all work out fine, all you need to do is to use your creativity.
Your words can do magic.

 4 months ago 

I was upset and I hope I've cheered you up. It bothers me to know you're in a bad mood. Lately, I find myself often on the moon; I need time to reflect, but I always end up back down to earth. I've had some good days and I'm happy. I'm not telling you this to seek recognition, but I think it's right that you know. Today is my birthday.👋🌻🌈

Why were you upset? Because of me? I hope not snd if don't. Trust me, if I am in a bad mood I am different but if it comes to 'cheering up' you always can with a few of your words. I like how you write, so not much is needed , no 300 words or a book like Julie's Second (especially not a book like that).

I am sorry I couldn't cheer you up on your birthday, host a party for you and give you the hug you deserve (I am not such a party animal myself and my birthdays were always kind of tragic (horror) so I like to keep it quiet on this day). Still, you shoild not be sad and look forward to visiting the land with(out) ice and enjoy. Let is go, just be and if share your words and have some more good days.

I am with my daughters now and within 2 weeks (Sunday) I stay with my son for 6 months.

Know you are dear to me.

 4 months ago 

I was angry because of what Dove11 said to you, not because of you, you never make me angry 🤗

I'm happy to be able to cheer you up, with my words, so I'm happy too. I'll try to read Julie's Second this evening and tell you, but don't worry, I don't know writing that way.

I don't like receiving celebrations so don't be sorry, I'm already happy, your hug is arrived.

I believe the wind is changing in my favor and I will be able to close doors that have been open for too long. This holiday will do me good to reflect and regain my strength.

I am happy that you will spend some time with your dear children, I feel that you are a lovely mother.

You are dear to me too.
👋 🌻 ❤️

He said it was to ... make it lighter ? It's no longer important. My entry was labelled as 'not funny' I believe I am the only one with that label.
If it comes to that he is right withbmy 1st version although I mixed some, to me smart and funny parts, to it. Molested people for sure have a different sense of humour.

I missed the be funny part in his announcement perhaps I overlooked it because he did not start funny also I became kind of confused after reading one or two entries.

My youngrst new ID is not recognized ??? What does that mean she has a fake one?

I thought the wind changed and closed doors would finally open but you have open doors you want to close 🤔
Good luck with that and keep in mind you can make your own luck if you kick against a door and change the settings.


 4 months ago 

If the ID is not reconstructed you will have to move to Italy so you can help me keep the doors of oblivion closed, I think you will be better than me.

Maybe it was better to read Julie's story to the end and not stop at chapter 3. I won't do it since you spoiled it for me
story, I honestly didn't understand it.

 4 months ago (edited)

I'll wait and see if they figure out why the ID is unknown. How to move to Italy without one? I could take the cocoa boat rivers or sea (or train)

Just read those 13 after each other, you can start over. If you like it you like it and no rotten tomatoe review can spoil that.

 4 months ago (edited)

In the sea

No longer mine
Not yours

We laugh
On the edge of oblivion
Its doors will not close

Let’s go
Into the night

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