5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: Emerald Eyes

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Esmerald Eyes

If to draw the attention of the crowds, then a pair of emeralds are great. Wearing them under my forehead, they adorn my face. It is that they are precious gems, covetable to the eye. And although my eyesight is not so neat, one thing I do know, that in life there is nothing more beautiful than a pair of emerald green eyes, which change their tone with the light, the combination of the shirt, the mood and the circumstances.
So it was with me, God gave me beautiful eyes, green as emerald, that adorn, that open doors, that please the most skeptical with exciting expectation.


Ojos esmeraldas

Si de llamar la atención de las multitudes, entonces un par de esmeraldas son geniales. Llevarlas bajo mi frente, adornan ella mi cara. Es que son gemas preciosas, codiciables a la vista. Y aunque mi vista no es tan prolija, una cosa si sé, que en la vida no hay cosa mas linda que un par de ojos bien verdes esmeraldas, que, cambien su tonalidad con la luz, la combinación de la remera, el estado de ánimo y las circunstancia.
Asi fue Dios conmigo, me dió unos ojos bien bonitos, verdes como la esmeralda, que adornan, que abren puertas, que agradan al mas escéptico con excitante expectación.




I love that part about wearing them just below your forehead. Nice freewrite!

Thanks you @owasco 🥰🤩

Yes, nice freewrite. It is rare to see such healthy self-esteem. Good on you.

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