Slow agony ! My entry in Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 5/28/2021

in Freewriters3 years ago

Slow agony

Peter felt strange sensations, his head was spinning, suffering from hallucinations as if a whirlwind of dry leaves of multiple colors were to cover him.

Everything happened quickly, with the heaviness of his body, now the fever did not leave him.

Beside him, his tender wife with a damp handkerchief tried to cool her warm forehead, the dimmed lights giving the room a funereal aspect.

With one last cry, Peter surrendered to his fate, outside in the forest a mattress of dry leaves quickly received his wandering soul, forever remaining the memory of his slow agony.

[image from]


Lenta agonia
Peter sintió sensaciones extrañas, la cabeza le daba vueltas, sufría alucinaciones como si un torbellino de hojas secas de múltiples colores lo cubriera.
Todo pasó rápido, con la pesadez de su cuerpo, ahora la fiebre no lo dejaba.
A su lado, su tierna esposa con un pañuelo húmedo trató de refrescar su cálida frente, las luces tenues le daban a la habitación un aspecto fúnebre.
Con un último grito, Peter se rindió a su destino, afuera en el bosque un colchón de hojas secas recibió rápidamente su alma errante, quedando para siempre el recuerdo de su lenta agonía.

This is my entry to the Freewritehouse contest: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
hosted by @freewritehouse


  • Original content only
  • Describe what you see
  • Describe what you feel
  • Write a story or poem about what you think is going

A painfull and colourful death.
Thanks for joining us. 👍

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