Secrets ! My entry in Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 10/01/2021 (eng /esp)

in Freewriters3 years ago

Carlos, being a child with attention problems, had to be referred by a specialist in psychopedagogy to a care center for autistic children. After several days, the child remained indifferent to the different tasks assigned to him. Marta from the first moment took a special affection for him, which is why she decided to help him.

On Friday afternoon before the parents came to pick up their children, the teachers took the children to amuse themselves in the park. Marta that last afternoon bought Carlos a game of making foam clouds. The boy began to play it with interest, with joy he expressed to Marta the secrets that he had jealously guarded until that moment. From that day on, Carlos changed his way of relating to others. Now as an adult he is a successful businessman, he left his childhood traumas and limitations behind him.



Carlos al ser un niño con problemas de atención debió ser referido por un especialista en psicopedagogía a un centro de atención para niños autistas. Luego de varios días, el niño se mantenía indiferente a las distintas tareas que se le asignaban. Marta desde un primer momento le tomo un cariño especial por lo que se propuso ayudarlo.

El día viernes por la tarde antes de que los padres pasaran a recoger a sus hijos, los maestros llevaban los niños a distraerse en el parque. Marta esa última tarde le compro a Carlos un juego de hacer nubes de espumas. El niño comenzó a jugarlo con interés, con alegría le expreso a Marta los secretos que hasta ese momento guardaba celosamente. Desde ese día Carlos cambio su forma de relacionarse con los demás. Ahora de adulto es un empresario exitoso, dejó atrás sus traumas y limitaciones de su infancia.

This is my entry to the Freewritehouse contest: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words hosted by @freewritehouse.


  • Original content only.
  • Describe what you see.
  • Describe what you feel.
  • Write a story or poem about what you think is going.


Invitation / Invitación

I invite you to know the mega trend of well-being and health and the possibility of incorporating an accelerated and sustained growth business, visit My Store in which you will meet products for the support of the immune system and well-being.
Te invito a conocer la Megatendencia de Bienestar y Salud y la posibilidad de incorporarte a un negocio de crecimiento acelerado y sostenido, visita MI TIENDA en la que conoceras productos para el respaldo del sistema inmunológico y bienestar.


Thank you for sharing this story with us.
We upvoted and resteemed. Enjoy the weekend..

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