The weekend's competition! My entry in Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 10/29/2021 (eng /esp)

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

Richard with his friends Paul and Peter approached the rodeo, sitting on their horses, when they arrived at the place the dust of the place made it difficult for them to breathe.

Participating in the weekend's competition betting on the best of the riders, they were promised a juicy win. Richard hoped to meet Mary, his fiancée, who would be one of the contestants.

The minutes passed, more and more riders and their horses arrived at the place, Mary still did not appear.




Richard con sus amigos Paul y Peter se acercaron al rodeo, sentados en sus caballos, al llegar al lugar la polvareda del lugar les dificultaba la respiración.

Participar en la competencia del fin de semana apostando al mejor de los jinetes, se les prometía una jugosa ganancia. Richard esperaba encontrarse con Mary su prometida que sería una de las concursantes.

Pasaban los minutos, cada vez más jinetes y sus caballos llegaban al lugar, Mary seguía sin aparecer.

This is my entry to the Freewritehouse contest: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words hosted by @freewritehouse.


  • Original content only.
  • Describe what you see.
  • Describe what you feel.
  • Write a story or poem about what you think is going.


Invitation / Invitación

I invite you to know the mega trend of well-being and health and the possibility of incorporating an accelerated and sustained growth business, visit My Store in which you will meet products for the support of the immune system and well-being.
Te invito a conocer la Megatendencia de Bienestar y Salud y la posibilidad de incorporarte a un negocio de crecimiento acelerado y sostenido, visita MI TIENDA en la que conoceras productos para el respaldo del sistema inmunológico y bienestar.


Hopefully she shows up.

Thanks for joining us again.

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