Make you happy! A 5 minute freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago

Make you happy

Charles was always asked by his wife, what can I do to make you happy?

He always remained silent when she asked him, since he knew that she was not going to be able to achieve his wish, he had memories of his childhood stored in his heart, he always brought them to the memory of when he visited Niagara Falls with his parents. He always remembered that day as the happiest of his life since seeing all the flow of water falling down the slopes towards the lake and the bubbling of the water for him was an unspeakable inexperience.

Now advanced in age to take advantage of his retirement days, he planned a trip to Niagara Falls with his wife since she had never been there and he had not returned until that moment.

The day they traveled when approaching the place where the Falls displayed their beauty, is that he was able to answer the question that his wife always asked him. So that day he said:

"Mariam, this place where we have had the joy of coming today is where you now know what makes me feel happier."

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

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Hacerte feliz
Su esposa siempre le preguntaba a Charles, ¿qué puedo hacer para hacerte feliz?
Él siempre guardaba silencio cuando ella le preguntaba, ya que sabía que ella no iba a poder lograr su deseo, tenía guardados en su corazón recuerdos de su infancia, siempre los traía al recuerdo de cuando visitó las Cataratas del Niágara con sus padres. Siempre recordó ese día como el más feliz de su vida, ya que ver todo el flujo de agua cayendo por las laderas hacia el lago y el burbujeo del agua para él fue una inexperiencia indecible.
Ya avanzado en edad para aprovechar sus días de jubilación, planeó un viaje a las Cataratas del Niágara con su esposa ya que ella nunca había estado allí y él no había regresado hasta ese momento.
El día que viajaron al acercarse al lugar donde las Cataratas mostraban su belleza, es que supo responder la pregunta que siempre le hacía su esposa. Entonces ese día dijo:
"Mariam, este lugar al que hemos tenido la alegría de venir hoy es donde ahora sabes lo que me hace sentir más feliz".

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Dear friends

This is my entry for the Thursday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and resteem.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]


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