Grey! A 5 minute freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

The convent deep in the forest invited silence and meditation. His pious tenants possessed a thousand-year-old secret of preparing an energizing and anti-aging infusion.

His black clothes that hid his faces were fastened with a gray rope. Despite his discretion, the convent's fame had spread beyond the limits of the region.

Finally an astute businessman had the infusion in his power, after a month of drinking it, he approached the convent to try to buy the formula, to access there he had to dress as a monk. Some monks received him and guided him along a path to the convent.

When the man got there, he was amazed to see that a heavenly environment received him, he joined to the meditation and prayer, he did not return, he was never heard from again.

© 2021, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

[image from]


El convento en lo profundo del bosque invitaba al silencio y la meditación. Sus piadosos inquilinos poseían un secreto milenario para preparar una infusión energizante y antienvejecimiento.
Su ropa negra que ocultaba sus rostros estaba sujeta con una cuerda gris. A pesar de su discreción, la fama del convento se había extendido más allá de los límites de la región.
Finalmente un astuto empresario tuvo la infusión en su poder, luego de un mes de beberla, se acercó al convento para intentar comprar la fórmula, para acceder allí tuvo que vestirse de monje. Algunos monjes lo recibieron y lo guiaron por un camino hasta el convento.
Cuando el hombre llegó allí, se asombró al ver que un ambiente celestial lo recibió, se unió a la meditación y oración, no regresó, nunca más se supo de él.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Tuesday's freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and resteem.


Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]


Who would come back? Heaven. Are you sure he didn't die?

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