Despite the age ! My entry in Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 10/15/2021 (eng /esp)

in Freewriters3 years ago

Despite the age in which the years are quite heavy, supported with a cane I carry my beloved by her arm who is lovingly held on my arm.

Together we go shopping, so after buying what we need, we walk through the park, stepping on the fallen autumn leaves. They will be dust in the winter, but after the next frosts, in spring new shoots of green leaves will populate the park, with scented flowers whose apple tree fruits we can savor in the summer.



A pesar de la edad en la que los años pesan bastante, soportado con un bastón llevo de su brazo a mi amada que amorosamente se sostiene en mi brazo.

Juntos vamos de compra, así después de comprar lo necesario, caminamos por el parque, pisando las hojas caídas del otoño. Ellas van a ser polvo en el invierno, pero que luego de las próximas heladas, en primavera nuevos brotes de hojas verdes poblaran el parque, con flores perfumadas cuyos frutos de manzano podremos saborear en el verano.

This is my entry to the Freewritehouse contest: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words hosted by @freewritehouse.


  • Original content only.
  • Describe what you see.
  • Describe what you feel.
  • Write a story or poem about what you think is going.


Invitation / Invitación

I invite you to know the mega trend of well-being and health and the possibility of incorporating an accelerated and sustained growth business, visit My Store in which you will meet products for the support of the immune system and well-being.
Te invito a conocer la Megatendencia de Bienestar y Salud y la posibilidad de incorporarte a un negocio de crecimiento acelerado y sostenido, visita MI TIENDA en la que conoceras productos para el respaldo del sistema inmunológico y bienestar.

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