At nightfall ! My entry in Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 6/18/2021

in Freewriters3 years ago

At nightfall

At nightfall I imagine you are at the summit,
your strong look transcends time
I still have the longings for returning to that day
in which both embraced
We promise would be eternal our commitment.
The silent mountain answered with the slight evening breeze,
Golden rays of light illuminated your face,
When kissing you, confirmed our commitment.

Scream now, you're not present anymore,
There is only time and space that I take you away from me,
I know that your soul was tied at the moment,
I just hope to free myself from this world and continue forever by your side.



Al atardecer

Al atardecer imagino que estás en la cumbre,
tu fuerte mirada trasciende el tiempo
todavía tengo los anhelos por regresar a aquel dia
en que ambos abrazados
prometiamos sería eterno nuestro compromiso.
La montaña silente respondía con la leve brisa de la tarde,
dorados rayos de luz iluminaban tu cara,
al besarte confirmaste nuestro compromiso.

Grito ahora, ya no estas presente,
solo queda el tiempo y el espacio que te llevo lejos,
sé que tu alma quedo atada al momento,
Solo espero liberarme de este mundo y continuar para siempre a tu lado.

This is my entry to the Freewritehouse contest: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
hosted by @freewritehouse



  • Original content only
  • Describe what you see
  • Describe what you feel
  • Write a story or poem about what you think is going

Con el apoyo de la familia.

Trail de TopFiveFamily

Un mensaje muy profundo y lleno de sentimiento, grandioso, me encantó.

Muchas gracias por la visita y comentar apreciada @janettyanez.

Thank you for joining us again with your poem.

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