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RE: Art explained by a writer - Woman On A Divan  - A poem

in Freewriters3 months ago

Hai @bangun kitty

Terima kasih atas undangannya, dalam hal penulisan genre saya lebih pada edukasi, informasi dan sejenisnya. Saya bukan kategori orang yang memiliki seni menulis seperti puisi, novel dan sejenisnya.

Tapi saya suka membaca cerita silat tiongkok versi indonesia. Pengarangnya bernama asmaraman s kho ping ho. Ada yang aneh dari Kho ping Ho, dia begitu pandai menggambarkan bagaimana daratan cina beserta elemen-elemen lainnya. Padahal dia belum pernah ke negara tersebut. Tapi yang dia deskripsikan tidak ada yang meleset.

Dari anda saya mengerti akan kualitas tulisan yang sebenarnya dan satu lagi walupun anda jarang menggunakan #burnsteem25 tetapi selalu mendapatkan dukungan yang besar bahkan dari steemcurator02. Bahwa jika kita mampu membuat sesuatu yang unik dan asli maka patut untuk didukung.

Terus berkarya, sukses selalu buat anda.


To join this art and writing contest you do not need to write a poem or story. You can write whatever you like.

The German painter August Macke went to Tunis with his two friends for life to see the colours in a different country. The painter friend Louis became also famous for his coloured glass windows and friend Paul became famous too.
After the two week trip August joined the army, first world war, and he died.
This painting is a small watercolour, my guess is he painted it in a hurry.

So it's badically history I wrote about just in a different way but like said you are free to do so.

I rarely use the # burnsteem mainly because I find it a waste of hashtags. The first 4 are the most important and to be honest I prefer to use them for myself. Why? To find my own work back because Steemit does not have a register. Unfirtunately it's never the case. I saw a contest today that claims the 4 tags and there are even contests claiming 6. I will no longer join these it is too much.

If it comes to # burnsteem I also noticed that even if I do not use the tag I receive a thank you.

I don't know if you noticed it but underneath each post I write all hashtags so I do not fill them out in the hashtag field. They automatically show after posting and this way I can even use more.

I do not always receive great report. Have a look at my other account @wakeupkitty.pal
Most of my stories do not even receive 0.50 cent, not even 0.30 🤔

Same writer (me) and the clubstatus is higher...

So one me is liked and the other me is not 🤣

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