Solid Guarantee...

in Freewriters3 months ago


A guarantee is an assurance that a condition will be fulfilled: as. a. : an agreement by which one person undertakes to secure another in the possession or enjoyment of something. b. : an assurance of the quality or of the length of use to be expected from a product offered for sale often with a promise of reimbursement. Link

But a solid guarantee is a step further. It is when it most reliable and protected. When a promise is solid guarantee, it is assured and you can put your mind to rest that you will have what is promised.

This solid guarantee is usually backed by evidence, for example having a collateral or being a man of unquestionable character. These can give solid guarantee of promises made.

The truth is that as humans, we can mean well and really want to do something good but then we are limited by our circumstances, so some go back on their promise.

But having a solid guarantee is a really good endeavor.

Thank you for your time...

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