Practice what you preach...

in Freewriters24 days ago


It is easier to speak and to preach than to practice what you preach. People are used to telling others what they want to, even with a commanding tone.

They would what others to do what they themselves cannot do, this is bad. Before you ask something from a person, put yourself in their shoes if you can do it yourself, if you cannot, you definitely should not expect others to do it.

Only hypocrite do something different from what they say. They preach, "do as I say not as I do".

So, in other not to be an hypocrite, always do what you preach.

Thank you for your time...

 23 days ago 

Thank you for posting this.

Too many of us are comfortable sitting on our high horses and passing judgement, without ever asking ourselves "what would I do if i were in their situation?"

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