What defines a man?

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)


As I race to write this all down within the 5-minutes allotted for this free write, I look at my son and I wonder ... what are the qualities of a man who is able to have a wild bird alight on his hand? I have never experienced this. Where did he learn the qualities to be able to be so trusted by a wild animal? What messages will he be able to pass on to future generations? Would a man be someone who inspires pride and trust in others?


Really. A man from the point of view of a chicken. )))

We live in Canada. I think that you have Chickadee Birds in Russia. For those who don't know what this bird sounds like it can be found in this video:

Definitely. Approximately the same latitudes. In Russian, this bird sounds like "sinitsa".

Currently, though I live in Florida and often see ibises...

Me gustó la foto un hombre así debe tener una paz interior gigante tanto como para que el pájaro sienta la tranquila que ese joven no le hará daño.

Muy buena foto y gran mensaje

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