The Kid's Club: a 5 minute freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

When I was quite young, one of the tv shows I would run home to watch was "Our Gang". These were short movies that had been made decades earlier but still resonated with me even then. There is always the leader within a club who drives everyone to different adventures. There are supportive friends and even separate little enclaves of friends within the group.

When I was in secondary school, I was a member (and eventually president) of a service club. We would raise money by selling "pop" at school dances. We would meet every week. We would sit around and solve the world's problems every week. How I miss those simpler times.

I encourage you to read the following post to gain an understanding of the Freewrite process.


Where did you grow up? The only people I ever heard call soda "pop" were from upstate New York State.

It is also common in Canada.

Creo que sí ví el cómic, creo que era la pandillita y tenían un perro con una mancha negra en el ojo

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