in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

It's quite impressive and fascinating to accord some element of respect to people you hold in high esteem; more especially, we normally do this through their biographies.
I want to write on the biography of one of the female figures in the world whom i look upto but not really a mentor, neither an immediate mother to me but I have been greatly inspired by her relentless effort and tenacity in achieving her goals.
She is Mrs Ngozi Okonjo Iweala a renowned and an active economist from Nigeria.


A picture of Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

As I was able to compile a detailed compendium of what and all I know concerning her.

Birth and Family background

She was born in the year June 13, 1954. Into the Royal family of Obahia, in Ogwashi-Ukwu kingdom located west of the state capital Asaba in Delta State of Nigeria. And she is also an American citizen, as she recently obtained this 2019. Her father is the king and a professor by name Eze(King) Chukwuka Okonjo.
She is happily married to Mr Ikemba Iweala, a neurosurgeon and they are blessed with 4 children: Mr Okechukwu, Uzodimma and Uchechi Iweala; and also Mrs Onyinye Iweala.


She got her primary education at Queen's school Enugu, and further went and completed her secondary education at the International school Ibadan. After completing her secondary education she was taken to the US, for a 4yrs course in Economics at Harverd University, that was precisely in 1973. Then she graduated from the University in 1976 and obtained her Phd. in 1981 at the Marssachusett institute of technology,as regional economics and development expert.

Some positions she has held and headed

Here in Nigeria, she was the first female to hold the position of minister of foreign affairs. She served as finance minister two consecutive times in the country.
Outside of Nigeria, she has worked for 25yrs, with the world bank and latter was scaled to the position of managing director. These and many more are great credit to her profile as a renown economist whom I admire greatly in this contemporarily time.
Great thanks to @belenguerra and @fendit for organizing this contest.

Proof of Facebook post:

Tweeter proof

#steemit #contest #writing #wrtingnreview #freewriters #nigeria #steem


Thanks for sharing with us someone who inspires you.

@fredkese am really grateful, she's indeed a Wonder woman to me, and am inspired by such a great personality.

😊👍🏾 good to know

Dear friend @davchi, this is great, but remember to share it in any other social media, and include the picture in the comment! You are doing great my friend! :)

Thanks @belenguerra, I've done that now on Facebook, and her pix also included at the footnote of my write-up.

Muy admirable la sra. okonja, pues no habria logrado todo eso de no ser por sus estudios y un esfuerzo constante por mejorarse cada dia.

@leonelb sorry I don't understand that dialect, please can you translate to English, so I can reply appropriately.

I do not know how to speak English, but I will use a translator, I hope you can understand: Very admirable Mrs. okonja, because she would not have achieved all that if it were not for her studies and a constant effort to improve herself every day.

@leonelb you've really stated the fact,is just hard work that has brought her to this extent. Besides you're funny, you said you can't speak English, but all you've written is English.

@davchi, you are already on your way to the top.
I believe in you.

@talktofaith I really see it happen ma, I'll definitely give in the best I could.

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